COVID-19 vaccine reactions being blamed on PEG, but could it be the body responding to mRNA transhumanist genetic reprogramming?
The medical establishment is playing dumb concerning the adverse events caused by Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines,
blaming their occurrence on a relatively common, yet toxic, vaccine additive known as polyethylene glycol (PEG). However, untested modified RNA (mRNA) technology is more than likely the real culprit.
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), "at least six severe allergic reactions" to the Pfizer / BioNTech China virus jab have been reported thus far. At least two cases of anaphylaxis have also been reported in the United Kingdom.
Tiptoeing around the vaccine's mRNA component, which has never before been used in a vaccine, the mainstream media has pegged PEG as the potential cause – PEG being the petroleum-based industrial additive that surrounds mRNA like a bubble in order to deliver it into cells.
The oily lipid molecules that surround mRNA are stabilized by PEG, allowing the entire sequence to insert itself into human cells for reprogramming. The end result is the cell-based production of synthetic "spike" proteins that the body supposedly recognizes as the WuFlu, prompting it to fight the disease as part of a genetically modified (GMO) immune response.
"Although I think we're just speculating here ... it is known that one of the components that is present in both of the vaccines – polyethylene glycol – can be associated, uncommonly, with allergic reactions," stated Peter Marks, director of the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, at a Dec. 18 press conference.
"What we're learning now is that those allergic reactions could be somewhat more common than the highly uncommon that we thought they were because people do get exposed to polyethylene glycol in various pharmaceutical preparations," Marks added, noting that the FDA is planning to also watch the Moderna vaccine rollout "very closely" since both jabs contain PEG.
In its own statement, Pfizer indicated that it, too, plans to "closely monitor all reports suggestive of serious allergic reactions following vaccination." Pfizer also stated that its prescribing information includes a warning about how "appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine."
If you take a COVID-19 vaccine, you'll become a GMO
The assumption, in other words, is that PEG is the problem, and people who are allergic to it should simply avoid the shot – simple enough. But what if PEG is not what is actually causing serious adverse events? What if Chinese virus vaccines are so serious of an affront to the human body and its natural DNA blueprints that these anaphylaxis reactions are a sign of permanent autoimmunity?
To be clear, we know that PEG
is harmful and should not be injected into humans. At the same time, it would be remiss to ignore the fact that mRNA technology is a form of genetic engineering that permanently alters the human genome in ways that are still largely unknown.
At the very least, mRNA vaccines are bombarding the bodies of those who receive them with "alien protein" compounds that the immune system does not recognize. As a result, it induces anaphylaxis, which Nobel Prize-winning scientist Charles Richet
described as a "universal defence mechanism against the penetration of heterogenous substances in the blood, whence they can not be eliminated."
Especially when mixed with antigens, the poisonous chemicals used in vaccines are an affront to human immunity, hence why the immune system rejects them, oftentimes violently and sometimes leading to death. And the introduction of mRNA technology only worsens that threat.
According to some, these mRNA "vaccines" are not even vaccines at all. They are a completely different animal that has been designed to recode a person's genetics and turn him or her into some kind of transhuman.
As one
Zero Hedge commenter posed it, perhaps these anaphylactic reactions are simply the "external manifestations of the internal change to transhumanism." Another wrote that the goal of the globalists is to "change humanity into their imag(e)ination and control them like livestock."
Still another wrote that one of the unanswered questions about these mRNA vaccines has to do with how the jabs themselves are a type of virus "that takes over the normal functions of healthy cells and reprograms them to produce synthetic spike proteins."
"Once those cells are reprogrammed, they can not ever go back to the way they were. The cells are now spike protein factories, constantly causing the immune system to neutralize these particles ... If the body is now constantly producing antibodies to counteract trillions of inert spike proteins, you have now caused that person to have an autoimmune disorder."
In the opinion of this writer, these COVID-19 jabs are the start, if not the fulfillment, of
the Mark of the Beast written about in the book of Revelation – especially if they become a requirement in order to buy, sell, travel and live.
More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines can be found at
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