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Chinese shipping receipt found in trash bucket of shredded fake ballots in Georgia
By ethanh // 2021-01-06
According to CEO Patrick Byrne, who has been dropping major bombshells over the past several months about election fraud, a shipping receipt associated with fake Chinese ballots has been found stuck to the side of a shredding bin in Georgia. The discovery was made after it was publicly revealed that communist China had shipped in truckloads of fake ballots to Fulton County (Atlanta), helping to swing the state of Georgia for Joe Biden. Those involved quickly shredded the evidence once America found out about this, but they apparently missed this shipping receipt which got caught in the bin. The infamous "water main break" false flag incident that occurred in Fulton County allowed Ruby Freeman, Ralph Jones, and other complicit criminals to cart out these fake Chinese ballots and run them through the Dominion Voting Systems machines after everyone else was sent home due to the "emergency." After the counting was complete, the ballots were eventually shredded to destroy all evidence. However, the discovery of the shipping receipt after the fact is a smoking gun, demonstrating the extent of the fraud that took place in Georgia. "Last Wednesday, December 30, the Georgia Senate Judiciary voted to inspect those Fulton County voting operations. Hours later (as I have previously posted) an Enterprise van pulled up and got filled up with voting materials," Byrne reported. "A shredding company in neighboring Cobb County, Georgia was on December 31 given roughly 3,000 pounds of ballots to shred. Authorities have come into possession of those materials." Byrne added that a "handful of papers" was found stuck to the side of the shredding bin. These papers contained several unshredded ballots, which two federally certified forensic examiners verified do not match the legitimate ballots. Also found in the papers was the shipping receipt from the "Chinese firm" that printed them in China.

Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election

Another bombshell dropped by Byrne was testimony about a printing shop in Michigan that allegedly printed ballots for Delaware County, Penn., and several other locals in numerous key swing states. These ballots were both printed and filled out – for Biden, of course – and shipped off to the appropriate locations for counting. All of this is documented, Byrne says, including with texts, affidavits and statements from the parties involved. Combined with the new evidence in Georgia found in the shredding bin, perhaps this is the smoking gun that will take down the whole operation before it is all too late. According to Byrne, both the Department of Justice (DoJ) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) have been "told to stand down" concerning all of this, which could lead to just more disappointment. This is why American patriots need to make their voices heard while there is still time. Since just about everything concerning the fraudulent election is being ignored or scorned at by the mainstream media and the political establishment at large, it truly is up to We the People to get the job done somehow. "Byrne has had President Trump's ear ever since investing much of his fortune into investigating voter fraud allegations," reports "He and his team have been doing what the Department of Justice, Congress, and state election officials have refused to do. Now, we're seeing some of the fruits of his efforts. The only question is whether or not the evidence they’ve collected can be put in front of Congress in time. If not, there's still hope but the evidence will have to reach the Supreme Court before Inauguration Day for the last-minute correction of election results to take effect." More of the latest news about election fraud can be found at Sources for this article include: