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Fauci admits coronavirus vaccines don't prevent infection
By ethanh // 2021-01-12
Getting vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) could maybe, possibly, reduce some of the symptoms associated with infection, says Anthony Fauci, but recipients should not expect to be protected against actual infection. America's top government "doctor" told the media the other day that President Donald Trump's "Operation Warp Speed" jabs are wholly unable to protect recipients against "catching" the novel virus, especially during the first round of injections. They should still get penetrated for the China virus, however, because doing so is good, or something. "The primary thing you want to do is that if people get infected, prevent them from getting sick, and if you prevent them from getting sick, you will ultimately prevent them from getting seriously ill," Fauci proclaimed at Yahoo Finance's recent All Markets Summit. "If the vaccine also allows you to prevent initial infection, that would be great. [But] what I would settle for, and all of my colleagues would settle for, is the primary endpoint to prevent clinically recognizable disease." Other than spread more disease, it is unclear thus far in what way COVID-19 vaccines might be beneficial. Fauci agrees, which is why he is still pushing the vaccinated to remain socialistically distanced and masked at all times.

Fauci says Trump administration claim that natural herd immunity can be achieved without vaccination is "total nonsense"

Fauci has been having a lot of trouble lately keeping his story straight. Early on, he claimed that only about 60 percent of America would need a WuFlu vaccine in order to eradicate the virus, or maybe just the symptoms, or something. That figure later crept up to more than 85 percent. When pressed, Fauci admitted that he makes up numbers on the fly based on public opinion polls. The more people that seem willing to get jabbed, the higher Fauci's "herd" immunity threshold, he confessed. It will take a little while for the production lines to churn out enough vaccines for everyone, however. There will not be enough vaccine doses for the entire country until around March, he says, which for the time being means that everyone needs to continue living in nonstop fear. The Trump administration has suggested that perhaps herd immunity can be achieved naturally without the need for China virus jabs, but Fauci says this is "total nonsense." According to Fauci, getting vaccinated is the only way out of the "pandemic," regardless of never having a vaccine end a pandemic before in human history, and the public need not worry because the vaccines are all "safe and effective." "One of the things I'm concerned about in the United States is that part of the anti-science translates maybe into anti-vaccine," Fauci mumbled and whined during another recent interview. "It would really be a shame if we have a safe and effective vaccine, but a substantial proportion of the people do not want to take the vaccine because they don't trust authority. That would really be unfortunate if that's the case." When, and only when, a bulk of the population agrees to be injected with Big Pharma chemicals, the country can move towards some semblance of new normality, Fauci insists. As for a "second wave" of the virus, Fauci thinks the world is still in the throes of the first one. Perhaps he is saying this because it was already shown that there is no "second wave" and the "pandemic" is over – and has been for quite some time. "No matter how you look at it, it's not good news," Fauci threatened, pushing listeners to roll up their sleeves and get ready for injection during the first quarter of 2021. Up-to-the-minute news about the Chinese virus can be found at Sources for this article include: