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WARNING: FBI planning fake false flag "armed protests" that will be blamed on conservatives and used to go after gun rights
By ethanh // 2021-01-13
Another round of "armed protests" is about to be unleashed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), which after seeing the success of the Capitol false flag "siege" is planning to deliver the final death blow to the Constitution in the days leading up to Inauguration Day. The deep state agency, which has an extensive history of staging false flag "terror" events to chip away at Americans' rights and freedoms, has issued an official warning about "armed protests" at all 50 state capitals, as well as in Washington, D.C., that aim to stop Joe Biden's "inauguration." An FBI bulletin sets the narrative by pegging "extremist groups" as the pre-crime culprits, reinforcing the fake news lie that "conservatives" and "Trump supporters" are planning to wage full-scale "insurrection" against the supposedly incoming Biden regime. "Armed protests are being planned at all 50 state capitols from 16 January through at least 20 January, and at the U.S. Capitol from 17 January through 20 January," the bulletin reads, according to an unnamed official who reportedly spoke to the Associated Press (AP) on condition of anonymity.

FBI warned about Capitol false flag "siege" before it happened, too

The FBI issued a similar bulletin on Dec. 29, roughly a week before the Capitol false flag "siege," that contained similar warnings. The deep state agency told the world what was going to happen before it happened because the FBI was behind it, just as it will be behind the upcoming "armed protests." The mainstream media is reporting the latest FBI bulletin as if it was "intelligence." However, it is obvious, based on the FBI's history of staging false flag events, that this is not so much intelligence as it is a warning and a threat about what is coming. "We're keeping a look across the entire country to make sure that we're monitoring, and that our Guards in every state are in close coordination with their local law enforcement agencies to provide any support requested," stated Army Gen. Daniel Hokanson, chief of the National Guard Bureau, to the media.

Don't believe anything the FBI says – the agency is behind these "sieges"

The Capitol false flag "siege" was the first phase of the operation, which successfully brought down President Donald Trump's social media accounts, along with a slew of other conservative and "patriot" accounts. There are also now calls for the eradication of both the First and Second Amendments to the Constitution – to keep us all "safe," of course. If the FBI is successful in pulling off the second round of false flags this upcoming week, you can be sure it will be the final death blow to American's constitutional rights. There is simply no more room for freedom when these "domestic terrorists" are roaming around threatening everyone, is how the narrative will surely go. That anyone believes these hoaxes at all says a whole lot about America's collective intelligence, especially on the left. Those who believe that Biden legitimately won the 2020 election are gullible enough to buy what the FBI is trying to sell them, which is why this writer, anyway, is sounding the alarm about what is soon to come. It should be unequivocally clear, at this point, that America is run by a "uniparty" of "red" and "blue" that work together to accomplish the same final goal: the elimination of your freedom, your liberty, and your rights. Everything else is just smoke and mirrors to keep people confused and ultimately in the dark as to their own progressive enslavement. More related news about deep state false flag events and how they are used to erase freedom and liberty can be found at Sources for this article include: