An expert on Chinese affairs urged the U.S.
to cut all ties with Beijing. Conservative commentator Gordon Chang made the call to sever ties with China during a Jan. 17 online webinar. He remarked that the communist nation "uses all of its [American] contacts … to try to overthrow our government." Chang acknowledged that law enforcement and governments at the federal and state levels are being overwhelmed because of China's actions.
Chang explained that cutting ties with China is not just limited to severing supply chain links. Rather, this should further extend to ending technological partnerships and cultural exchanges, removing Chinese media from circulation and deporting Chinese diplomats and journalists back to their home country.
The commentator remarked that China's form of communism is "unreformable" and its leaders "both arrogant and insecure at the same time."
"We're dealing with evil," he stated. "It's very difficult for people in democratic societies to understand evil, and there's no perfect way to deal with [it.] We may screw up dealing with evil, but we better deal with it now while we still have a chance."
As part of the webinar, Chang discussed things China made use of to subvert the U.S.
China allowed the Wuhan coronavirus to spread unchecked
According to Chang, Beijing tapped the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic to undermine America and other countries. He called the pandemic "a deliberate release of the disease from China itself."
Chang pointed out that Chinese President Xi Jinping knew that lockdowns were effective in curbing the spread of the virus. This means that Xi knew that "by pressuring countries to not impose [lockdown] measures, he was spreading the disease."
The China expert cited a publication from the Chinese
PLA National Defense University that discussed "specific ethnic genetic attacks" – a new form of biological warfare.
"China is designing pathogens that will leave the Chinese alone, but will sicken everybody in the world. There is evidence that they're actually working on diseases like this," Chang warned. "This is not the last pathogen that will be generated from Chinese soil. And we can suspect that the next disease … will be worse than COVID-19." (Related:
Chinese journalist jailed for 4 years for speaking the truth about coronavirus pandemic.)
China undermined the U.S. using online means
Chang also mentioned China's use of social media platforms to attack the U.S. He cited an instance back in March 2020, when
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian suggested that the pandemic began in America.
"It might be [the] U.S. Army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan," Zhao
said in a tweet.
Zhao also slammed the U.S.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) for allegedly covering up the actual number of COVID-19 cases. He called for the public health body to be transparent and make its data public in the same tweet.
Chang also claimed that the regime also made use of the TikTok video-sharing app to undermine the U.S. During the 2020 Black Lives Matter protests, the regime used a sophisticated algorithm to get Americans hooked on the app. It then tapped big data and artificial intelligence to identify users who would likely join the protests. These users then received TikTok videos on how to riot, further goading them to attend the demonstrations and cause trouble.
"This is more than just subversion. This is indeed an act of war," Chang remarked.
China ramped up its rhetoric in preparation for full-blown conflict
Back in May 2019, the Chinese state-run newspaper
People's Daily ran a piece
declaring a "people's war" against the U.S. According to Chang, Beijing's narrative is that the U.S. is trying to safeguard its top position as the world hegemony and prevent China from taking that spot. In reality, the U.S. is protecting the international system currently in place. (RELATED:
China preparing for what it claims is a "morally justified" war with US, Taiwan over sovereignty.)
"Unfortunately, we have a China that doesn't want to live within the current international system. It wants to overthrow it altogether," he remarked.
Chang continued that the Chinese regime has adopted a Wolf Warrior diplomacy. The communist country had threatened its smaller neighbor Taiwan had provoked Southeast Asian countries in its territorial waters and had invaded India through the Himalayan border.
The expert put forward two possible reasons for China's increasing provocation. First, Xi appears to be bolstering the military as his main core of support. Second, China itself is beset with numerous problems such as an uneasy population, a stagnant economy, lack of worldwide support and more. "Without prosperity, the [Chinese regime's] only remaining basis of legitimacy is nationalism" which practically meant "military misadventure abroad," Chang commented.
Chan has also expert aired out his concern with how President Joe Biden's administration will deal with the communist country. According to Chang, Biden's senior advisers have remarked their intention to "strengthen the U.S." instead of imposing costs on China.
"You can't strengthen American technology or economy when China is stealing somewhere between $500 billion to $600 billion [yearly.] It's just not possible," he commented.
Chang concluded by saying: "We should not be allowing an enemy to exploit the openness of our system to overthrow our form of government."
Head over to to find out how the communist regime threatens the U.S. and the world.
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