Seeing as how covid QR codes were used in many other countries besides Sri Lanka, and seeing as how fuel shortages and inflation are now afflicting pretty much every country except Russia and its allies, it is safe to assume that this new imposition will spread to other countries. As the gas taps get shut off in Europe, for instance, there is a chance that Europeans in countries like Germany and The Netherlands could eventually be told that they, too, need to show their QR codes in order to heat their homes and businesses this winter. "They'll tighten the screws to do everything they can to get ppl onto the App," tweeted someone named "GetBackToLife – #NoJabsForKids" (@TinyFighterGirl). Someone else named "Luther" (@LutherBurgsvik) tweeted a link to, though it does not seem to be accessible from anywhere outside of Sri Lanka – except, perhaps, with a VPN (virtual private network) ¬– as the main page displays a message stating: "National Fuel Pass: You are not authorized" "No doubt, this is where civil war comes into play," added the GetBackToLife Twitter account in a separate tweet. Another named "Rozalyn Gracia" (@graccie_roz) tweeted that she believes Sri Lanka was "intentionally staged to make way for this" as an example for the rest of the world to emulate as the economic dominoes continue to topple. "This is exactly the essence of Agenda 2030," she added. "God help us if people don't wake up in time." The latest news about the engineered takedown of the world economy by globalists can be found at Sources include: NaturalNews.comSri Lanka ?? Fuel Rations delivered and authorized by a Govt QR Code...Coming to a town near you, unless of course you ???????
— ????????????? (@risemelbourne) July 21, 2022
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