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Homosexual couple orders surrogate to MURDER unborn baby after discovering she has aggressive cancer, demands no pre-term delivery or adoption because "they didn't want their DNA out there"
By ethanh // 2023-07-10
Two males from southern California who claim to be "married" told the woman they recently hired to have a surrogate pregnancy for them to murder the child through abortion after discovering that she is battling breast cancer. Not wanting to have a "tainted" child on their hands who comes from such a woman, the two homosexuals told Brittney Pearson, 37, from Sacramento that they want her to get an abortion immediately, or else they plan to sue her for non-compliance. Pearson claims that doctors at Sutter Health Medical Center in Sacramento believe that she is fully capable of having a form of chemotherapy treatment that is compatible with pregnancy, which would then be induced at 34 weeks' gestation – but the two gays are having none of it. The two males told Pearson to "immediately terminate" the child at 24 weeks, threatening to use legal means if necessary to force her to murder the unborn baby and cause it to become "erased." Concerned that the child would develop similar health problems as Pearson, the two gays, who are unnamed in media reports, apparently want to seek out a more "perfect" candidate to have the blemish-free child they thought they were going to get. (Related: Remember when the Colorado gay club shooting suspect self-identified as a "non-binary" person?)

This is why gays shouldn't be allowed to have surrogacy children – because unless the child is "perfect," they will want it dead

An anti-surrogacy group known as the Center for Bioethics and Culture Network was the first to report on Pearson's case. It says that the two gays do not even want Pearson to deliver the child and give it up for adoption because "they didn't want their DNA out there." In other words, the two gays are so self-centered and narcissistic that they simply cannot bear the thought of allowing a potentially "tainted" child from their own stock to live rather than die because doing so would break their "perfect" lineage. The distress that Pearson says she felt upon receiving these demands was immense, especially after the two homosexuals "threatened everyone they could with a lawsuit," including Pearson, her agency, and Sutter Health. At one point, Pearson's oncologists were unsure if they could even legally give her the chemotherapy she was slated to receive and would have to consult their own lawyers because of how aggressive the two gays became in pursuing the unborn child's death. "It was frustrating because I wanted to give them a family," Pearson told a media outlet. "They said they cared but they didn't. I felt betrayed and heartbroken." Center for Bioethics and Culture Network Jennifer Lahl also gave a statement about the matter, explaining that the case in question "highlights many of the problems with contracted, largely commercial, pregnancy." "The first thing I thought after I was diagnosed was I want to keep this baby safe and bring it earthside," Pearson added, noting that she had already completed one round of surrogacy previously, but has now been left feeling like "a rented-out uterus." It turns out that Pearson found another hospital to deliver her baby, but she refused to elaborate on whether it was inducement or murder. We have since learned that the child has died. "The baby was born on Father's Day," Pearson revealed. "My mother got to hold him and take pictures but he did not survive. I would have done things differently, but I didn't understand it since they (the two gays) didn't see him as a baby at all." The latest news about the out-of-control debauchery and wickedness being spread by the LGBT community can be found at Sources for this article include: