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Surviving disaster: 5 Common crimes in a post-SHTF world
By zoeysky // 2023-08-17
Even the most hardened prepper knows that life can be tougher and more dangerous in a post-SHTF world. If you're worried about the safety of your family after societal collapse, you must learn how to deal with desperate humans who have bad intentions. Before SHTF, you and your family must have an emergency preparedness plan and practice how to deal with common crimes like theft and kidnapping. (h/t to


Theft may seem like a harmless crime, but in a post-collapse world, thieves may become more violent to ensure the success of their crimes. If the whole society collapses, more people will take the opportunity to steal whatever they can. Keep in mind that the first surge of looting when SHTF will focus on familiar targets, like big stores selling designer clothes or the newest consumer electronics. Once people realize that the power isn’t coming back soon and the government has lost control, they will start to wonder where their next meal is coming from. This will result in a new, larger wave of looting where grocery stores and food warehouses in the U.S. will be ransacked. Once the food in big box stores runs out, hungry non-preppers will be looking for alternative supplies. This is why you need to prepare before SHTF, especially if you're worried about thieves targeting your survival food stockpile. After SHTF, desperate people will try to steal your stockpile of food and other useful supplies. Even your neighbors might make you a target if they know that you're a prepper or they can see that your home is mostly unaffected by the chaos. To prevent thefts after the collapse, make sure your home has exterior lights to let others know that you are monitoring your property. Before things go south, set up a sturdy fence around your home and reinforce possible entry points like doors, windows and your garage door. Having a guard dog can also help deter thieves. You can also learn how to use a firearm for self-defense.


In the early stages of societal collapse, criminals might try to get their hands on a new car. And when survival becomes the priority, the more sensible thieves will be targeting practical vehicles that will help keep them alive. They might also start targeting preppers who have fuel stockpiles. If you're still driving around after SHTF, keep car doors locked and stay alert for potential problems. Avoid driving near crowds and don't go to a place that doesn't have a clear escape route.


If your property has tall fences that can deter casual thieves and alarms to let you know about other intruders, you can drive them off on their first attempt. But some people may become desperate enough to try again, this time with the intent to kidnap you or force you to surrender your supplies. They might also target your family and friends as they demand your supplies as ransom. If society breaks down, plan all movements on military principles. Make sure you travel in twos or in groups so you can't be ambushed and kidnapped. Move using mutual support, so you can keep an eye on each other and give support when SHTF. (Related: Survival 101: How to protect your family during civil war.)


Some people might commit arson because they are firebugs, but others may use fire as a devastating weapon. After all, you can quickly drive a prepper out of their home full of supplies by setting fire to it. This can give looters enough time to steal supplies as you try to escape the flames. And even if you’re not the target of arson, large fires in your neighborhood can scatter burning debris over a wide area. Make sure you have the resources you need to deal with fires on your property.


While homicide probably won't be as common as theft in a post-SHTF world, it's the most serious. If society falls apart there's a chance someone might try to kill you. There are many reasons why they might try to kill you, with some people wanting to steal your supplies while others might simply want to take their rage out on you after things go wrong for them. This paints a dangerous and gloomy picture, but the wave of lawlessness will slowly subside. This can happen if a lot of the thieves either starve to death or manage to get enough supplies that they don't need to steal anymore. In time, thrill killers and rapists will get what they deserve from prospective victims who managed to fight back. Prepare before SHTF so you can protect your family and survive the apocalyptic explosion of lawbreaking. Watch the video below to learn about alarming crime rates in liberal-run states. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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