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Ann Vandersteel discusses "bold plan" to give Trump IMMUNITY from INDICTMENTS – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-08-18
Ann Vandersteel discussed a bold plan to grant former President Donald Trump immunity from his indictments during the Aug. 10 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" on Brighteon.TV. According to her, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) is the architect of this plan that serves a two-fold purpose. It undermines the Democrats' harassment of Trump and exposes some of the Left's worst abuses all at the same time. The congressman expounded on his plan during an Aug. 8 appearance on "The Charlie Kirk Show." "First, we should tell [Special Counsel] Jack Smith that he has to show up and give a transcribed interview to the House Judiciary Committee in the next 15 days. If he doesn't do that, we should issue a subpoena. If he ignores the subpoena, we should hold him in criminal contempt of Congress. And if [Attorney General] Merrick Garland won't enforce that criminal contempt, then he subjects himself to an impeachment," he told Kirk. "Simultaneous to that, you can actually bring Trump in to give testimony to the Congress and in doing so immunize him. You have to think about it almost like whistleblower protections. Trump, the ultimate whistleblower, potentially the beneficiary of congressional immunity." Gaetz said his plan – which is based on Title 18, sections 6002 and 6005 of the U.S. Code – is "never something [people] typically think of as a first step." But he told Kirk that the plan is necessary, given that the Department of Justice (DOJ) is essentially "functioning as the enforcement wing of the Democratic Party." "Most Republicans in Congress just think we ought to throw our hands in the air and allow the chips to fall where they may," the Florida congressman remarked. "I think that is a tremendous disservice to the Constitution when we are facing an election interference operation, not a legitimate prosecution." Meanwhile, Kirk expressed fascination with the proposal. While he admitted in a tweet that he had no idea if Gaetz's plan will work, he also urged Americans to "reject the premise" that the DOJ's political persecution of Trump is somehow legitimate. (Related: Democrats’ Indictment of Trump is a Declaration of War. Why is This Insanity Happening? Here’s How We Fight Back.)

Gaetz: House GOP 'infected by loser mentality'

On the same day as his appearance on Kirk's podcast, Gaetz challenged the Republican caucus to take action to stymie the constant indictments against Trump. He called these actions as more election meddling thinly disguised as justice. According to Vandersteel, Gaetz wants to call out Smith to account for his actions. She echoed the congressman's warning that Smith "could be the first prosecutor to bring a case while under criminal contempt himself." Garland, his superior in the DOJ, could also "be subject to impeachment if he refuses to enforce that criminal contempt." The Brighteon.TV host added that Gaetz's strategy will offer Trump immunity by having him testify before Congress as a whistleblower. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) could actually set up a select committee to bring the former president in for testimony and grant him immunity. "We'll have to sit back and see if that actually materializes," she said. "I wish Gaetz success in that, but again you're dealing with a bunch of frauds on Capitol Hill. How do you expect them to be wrangled into doing anything that would vaguely resemble standing up and defending their oath of office?" Gaetz himself seemingly acknowledged this hurdle, lamenting that his colleagues in the Congressional GOP are "infected with the same loser mentality that infected Congress in the early days of the Mueller investigation." Follow for more news about former President Donald Trump. Watch the Aug. 10 episode of "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" below. Tune in to "Right Now with Ann Vandersteel" airs weekdays at 8-9 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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