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TREASON: Biden's Border Patrol CUTS WIRE installed by Texas government, "opening America's arms" to illegal immigrants
By bellecarter // 2023-09-25
Further proving how welcoming President Joe Biden's administration is to illegal aliens, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) troops have cut the razor wire that the state of Texas had placed alongside the Rio Grande to stop border crossers from flooding into the country. Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently shared a video on Twitter, now known as X, showing U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) men taking down the barbed wire that further protects the perimeters by preventing or dissuading passage by humans. "Texas installed razor wire in Eagle Pass to stop illegal crossings," Abbott said. "Today the Biden Admin CUT that wire, opening the floodgates to illegal immigrants." Upon knowing this, he immediately deployed more Texas National Guard troops to repel illegal crossings and re-install the wire. Former USBP Weslaco Station Patrol Agent in Charge and Texas Border Czar Mike Banks posted a video on Thursday showing Texas National Guard soldiers on the ground in Eagle Pass replacing the razor wire that the Biden Administration cut. "Texas will continue to install more razor wire and fortify the border against illegal crossings," Banks said. "We will not back down." Meanwhile, about 14,000 migrants – nearly half the total of its 29,000 population – have surged into the city of Eagle Pass over the past two weeks. This triggered Mayor Rolando Salinas to declare a state of emergency. (Related: Elon Musk warns: The border is WIDE OPEN for all who want to crash it.) Salinas reported that 4,000 illegals crossed the U.S. border with Mexico on Wednesday, September 20 and a separate 2,500-person mob came into the city illegally on Monday, September 18. This is on top of approximately 7,200 illegal crossers that were apprehended in the previous week. Moreover, Rep. Tony Gonzalez, who represents the city in Congress, said that another 3,000 were on track to enter Thursday, adding that the Border Patrol estimates that by Friday, 10,000 migrants would have illegally entered this Texas border town. The influx has overrun Mission Border Hope, the only migrant shelter in the border city. "One of the situations is that a lot of these migrants, they're single males and they don't want to listen to instructions and they're leaving the facility," the mayor said. "Not all of these people come in peace." He also told CNN on Thursday that the crisis was "unacceptable" and that he has not heard from anyone in the Biden administration. "No one has bothered to call me," the Democrat mayor said. The Daily Wire also reported that the Biden administration has yet to release official immigration totals for the month of August, but indicated that the numbers are climbing back to the peak seen in May.

Salinas PLEADS Biden, Harris to visit Eagle Pass and see the CRISIS for themselves

Not hearing from the administration that "opened" the floodgates to border crossers and aims to normalize illegal immigration, Salinas is calling on Biden and his Vice President Kamala Harris to visit his border city to see what the community is dealing with amid an ongoing influx of illegal immigration. He has pleaded for the top officials or anyone from the administration to come visit to "acknowledge the situation" and "let us know what they're doing to deter and control the situation." And still, no replies yet from the White House. Speaking at Fox News' "Your World," the mayor said that the local economy has taken a hit from the ongoing crisis which he described as "chaotic and disappointing."  "To have that amount of people roaming our streets. It's just unacceptable. We have limited resources, a limited police force, and fire teams. So it's disappointing to see all these people come in without a consequence," he lamented. "It's very disheartening to see this happening, especially here in the city of Eagle Pass." He added that the international bridges had to be closed. "You cross that bridge, you're directly impacting the economy of Eagle Pass and also the state economy. You have thousands of commerce trucks that come in through Eagle Pass and Mexico. So, you're not only affecting the safety but also the local and state economy." He also debunked government claims that things are still manageable in the Texas city, saying what's happening is not normal and that this should not happen in any city in the United States "because we're a nation of laws." "People should be able to come here legally. We're all for that. I'm sure everybody agrees, but thousands of people come in without consequence, that should not be allowed into the United States," he pointed out. Meanwhile, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was reported to make a sudden trip to the U.S.-Mexico border on Saturday following a historic week of a heavy inflow of undocumented crossings and with no sign of slowing. He will travel to the Rio Grande Valley of southeast Texas to be joined by a foreign dignitary, Honduran President Xiomara Castro. "In addition to discussing our continued cooperation with Honduras on reducing irregular migration in a safe, orderly, and humane way, the Secretary will oversee southwest border enforcement operations and highlight lawful pathways as an alternative to smugglers," the department stated in a media advisory. The Washington Examiner commented that Mayorkas could face pushback from rank-and-file Border Patrol agents who have largely been instructed to "catch and release" illegal immigrants rather than detain people through court proceedings or return them to their country of origin. contains more stories related to the illegal immigrants’ invasion of the United States.

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