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CBP source reveals DHS has no cohesive enforcement strategy to address migrant influx in Texas
By bellecarter // 2023-09-25
On September 20, a migrant mob of approximately 3,000 swamped the Texas border town of Eagle Pass in Texas. However, President Joe Biden's Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has no cohesive enforcement strategy to address this illegal alien invasion, according to a source within Customs and Border Protection (CBP), who was not authorized to speak to the media. Including the ones who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border on Wednesday, Border Patrol agents apprehended approximately 7,000 migrants during the previous three days, the whistleblower added. The CBP source further divulged to Breitbart Texas that every Border Patrol processing facility has been packed to more than three times its capacity and the only DHS directive they received was to "quickly process and release the migrants who made landfall in the Texas town to a non-government shelter." (Related: Migrant TSUNAMI: Eagle Pass declares STATE OF EMERGENCY as nearly 14K border crossers flood the city in less than two weeks – many more to come.) "We got crickets from them while this was going on. We have become well practiced at moving bodies around quickly and moved everyone into place to avoid heat-related health issues," the source said. "The only instructions we have received thus far is to quickly process and release as many of the migrants as we can to accommodate more expected large crossings." The independent news outlet traveled to Piedras Negras, Coahuila to observe migrants making their way from staging areas to the Mexican bank of the Rio Grande. An exclusive video showed the mostly Venezuelan migrants making their way through busy streets and into the brush before entering the water to cross to Eagle Pass. Meanwhile, a cargo-carrying FerroMex train was filmed bursting with migrants traveling out of Zacatecas, Mexico and making its way toward the southern border. The Fox News footage showed the locomotive with containers filled with illegals getting an easy ride as they whistled and cheered and some of them could even be seen hanging out from the sides of the train. The anonymous source also said that the recent increase in migrant incursions in Eagle Pass was reported at 7,000 over the previous 72 hours. Due to the flooding of illegals, detention space was running out and this has forced the movement of the migrants to all other facilities nearby, which as a result, overcrowded those locations as well. At some points, a lot of asylum seekers are detained in outdoor "sally-port" settings used to load and unload migrants from the facility. Breitbart reported that on Thursday, a larger non-government shelter called the new Mission Border Hope shelter, operated by the United Methodist Church, was opened in Eagle Pass to accommodate more migrants released by the Border Patrol. As reported by the news portal, the shelter began forcing some migrants out of the facility if they had no funds to complete travel arrangements away from the border region. Those migrants have increasingly appeared on city streets asking residents for help to leave the border city. Some have resorted to walking away from the border city to San Antonio, "a journey of more than 150 miles." "This all started here when we began releasing single adults. Once word got out, it just got worse from there," the source lamented. Shortly after the incursion began on Wednesday, DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas issued a statement on the extension and redesignation of Venezuela for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for 18 months. It will give temporary protection from removal and work authorization for the South American nation's people, who have crossed into the U.S. before July 31, 2023. As per the CBP enforcement statistics, there are more than 124,000 migrants listed. In total, the agency expects that the protection order will save up to 472,000 Venezuelan nationals in addition to the 242,700 Venezuelan migrants already receiving TPS. For the CBP whistleblower, this only serves as a magnet for more to begin the journey to America. "Mayorkas is shooting us in the foot, news travels fast, and if they are willing to give status that may last for years, it's amnesty, plain and simple, regardless of what we call it," the source stated.

People are dying due to Biden's "inviting" border policies

The migrant tsunami this week has not only exhausted the United States' resources and security and immigration manpower, but it has also sacrificed a couple of lives. CNN reported that the submerged body of a man believed to be a migrant was recovered by authorities near Eagle Pass Thursday morning, according to the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Maverick County Sheriff's Office. The body, found under the water a couple of hundred yards north of the Texas border town's marine barrier, was in his 40s or 50s. He most likely drowned farther north within the past day, Maverick County Sheriff Tom Schmerber reported. Meanwhile, a day before that, a three-year-old boy died as his family attempted to cross the Rio Grande near Eagle Pass, as per a statement from the local DPS. Its Tactical Marine Unit was alerted that the kid was swept away by the current while trying to cross the river with his family just after 3:30 p.m. local time. Troopers brought the child to shore but he was later pronounced dead at a local hospital, according to DPS, which said the death occurred north of the marine barrier in Eagle Pass. Many argue that those who leave their homes to face long and dangerous treks are hoping to find "better, safer lives" in America. Some may flee violence, while others may immigrate for economic opportunities or to reunite with family. But critics see that the influx was brought about by the inviting 'migration policies' of the Biden administration. contains more stories related to the illegal immigrants' invasion of the United States.

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