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Government restrictions on HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE resulted in many needless COVID deaths, study finds
By ethanh // 2023-09-28
The journal Science, Public Health Policy & the Law just published a study showing that in countries where hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) was restricted from use during the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "pandemic," many more people died compared to the death counts in countries where citizens were free to take as much HCQ as they wanted without government interference. Had all countries where HCQ is approved for use – the United States is one of them, by the way, as hydroxychloroquine is fully approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – allowed unfettered access to the drug during the "pandemic," COVID fatalities could have been reduced by about 520,000, the study authors found. You may recall that the illustrious Dr. Vladimir Zelenko successfully treated thousands of COVID patients in 2020 using HCQ. When combined with azithromycin (an antibiotic) and zinc, HCQ helped 99.9 percent of Dr. Zelenko's COVID patients avoid death. (Related: Remember back in late 2020, right around the time when Operation Warp Speed was launched by the Trump administration, when a pharmaceutical factory that manufactures hydroxychloroquine mysteriously burst into flames and exploded?)

Blocking Americans from accessing lifesaving generic drugs just because Big Pharma wants to sell some new overpriced "blockbuster" drug or vaccine instead is a crime against humanity

While Dr. Zelenko's protocol was, in fact, adopted and used by President Donald Trump, who also promoted HCQ, average Americans were generally unable to access the drug due to the U.S. medical system deciding that HCQ, ivermectin, and other COVID-killing generic drugs were off limits. Because HCQ is available only with a doctor's prescription, the medical industry threatened physicians with license removal or other punishment if they were caught prescribing HCQ to patients – so many of them complied out of fear. Unless one orders HCQ or ivermectin from overseas, i.e., from a Canadian or Indian pharmacy, it is still generally quite difficult, if not impossible in some areas, for Americans to access these lifesaving drugs – and we have the medical police state to blame for this crime against humanity. The new paper addresses this, showing that many lives could have been saved had access to HCQ and ivermectin been as accessible to Americans as these drugs are to, say, Mexicans who can legally buy these generic drugs over the counter all over their country without issue. What we learn from this new study is that more than half a million lives were needlessly ended simply because the government, in tandem with Big Pharma, decided that patients should not be allowed to access lifesaving generic remedies because said lifesaving generic remedies do not put billions into the pockets of the Big Pharma drug cartels and their kingpins. Drug dealer kingpins like Pfizer's Albert Bourla and Moderna's Stéphane Bancel would not have been able to rake in billions of dollars in new profits, after all, had Americans been able to access lifesaving HCQ and ivermectin. In the comments on a story about this new HCQ study, someone revealed her preferred homemade remedy for COVID, which involves iodized salt, clean water, and the willingness to flush one's nose and sinuses with this simple and cheap purification protocol. "Simple saltwater cures all coronaviruses and viruses," this person further claimed, furthering the idea that God via nature provides many cures that are basically free and have nothing to do with any pharmaceutical corporations and their greedy executives (please note that the salt water nasal protocol is someone's personal chosen remedy for viruses and is not necessarily endorsed by this site). "As soon as you think you have an infection, try a salt water nasal flush before resorting to potentially dangerous drug remedies." The latest news about the never-ending government assault on medicine and freedom of medical choice can be found at Sources for this article include: