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Federal court DESTROYS ACLU transgender case in Tennessee; Matt Walsh declares it "a devastating ruling for the trans cult"
By ethanh // 2023-10-04
Things are not going well for the cult of transgenderism, which just lost a major case in the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals that could become a death knell for childhood transgenderism. In a 2-1 ruling, the appeals court ruled against the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), which tried but failed to successfully argue that underage children have a right to mutilate their bodies to appease the gods of LGBT. According to conservative commentator Matt Walsh, who lives in Tennessee – the Sixth Circuit Court covers the laws in Tennessee and Kentucky, two states that have banned puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and gender surgeries for kids – the ruling is a major victory with "huge" implications. "Last night, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals delivered a devastating ruling for the trans cult," Xed (formerly tweeted) Walsh in a thread. "No other court decision has so thoroughly dismantled, point-by-point, every disingenuous argument from trans activists." The case arose after laws were passed in both Tennessee and Kentucky to protect children from being drugged and mutilated by LGBT perverts, which in many cases includes their supportive and "affirming" parents. These laws were passed not long after the Vanderbilt University gender clinic scandal, which Walsh claims credit for making national news. (Related: Check out our earlier coverage about Matt Walsh's exposé on the trans cult's devious and immoral targeting of children.)

Sixth Court decision sets precedent for right of voters to ban medical procedures that are immoral, dangerous

The trans cult apparently thought it could bully its way into reversing these laws through the court system. Unfortunately for them, the Sixth Circuit ain't the Ninth Circuit – and the Supreme Court, should the ACLU continue pushing the case, will more than likely side with the Sixth Court. "Trans activists were apoplectic," Walsh further celebrated on X (formerly Twitter). "The ACLU went to court. Initially, they convinced a judge to block the law. I said at the time that the judge's ruling was terrible and that it would be overturned. But admittedly, I had no idea how bad it would be for the trans cult." The implications for trans abuse of children all across the country are positive, in Walsh's view, because the ruling fully establishes the right of voters to ban medical procedures such as this that they believe are immoral or dangerous. "That's true regardless of what the 'experts' at Big Pharma say," Walsh commented. "Then the court explains that voters have very good reason to believe that so-called 'gender-affirming care' – including puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones – are dangerous. The court notes that many countries have started banning them." "The court goes on to state that WPATH – the standard-setting organization for 'trans healthcare' – counseled against using hormones and puberty blockers on minors from 1979 to 2000. Even now, WPATH admits there is 'limited data' supporting their use." The ruling came just days after a re-analysis of a misleading study out of the United Kingdom showed that a disturbing number of post-trans children now regret their decision, and suffer serious mental health problems as a result. This revelation only fueled the court's final decision against the trans cult. Every argument the ACLU tried to make was completely shot down by the courts, including the ludicrous notion that gender-confused children are "immutable" in the sense that they are akin to a person who was born with black skin – meaning they cannot change their "identity" and thus need surgery and drugs to "transition." "But the Sixth Circuit observed that the meaning of 'transgender' status is constantly changing," Walsh noted. "Every day there's a new gender." The latest news about the trans cult and its efforts to destroy children's lives and demoralize the nation can be found at Sources for this article include: