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RIGGED: Lobbying group with deep ties to military-industrial complex behind articles demanding MORE TAXPAYER MONEY for Ukraine
By arseniotoledo // 2023-10-06
Advisors to the influential lobbying group the United States-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) have coordinated the publishing of influential opinion pieces on mainstream news outlets calling for more taxpayer assistance for Ukraine while repeatedly failing to disclose their close – and sometimes financial – ties to either the defense industry or the Ukrainian government. The USUBC describes itself as a "strong international voice for business in Ukraine now promoting U.S.-Ukraine business relations." What the lobbying group isn't as upfront about is how it represents the interests of over 200 corporations, including leading members of the American military-industrial complex like Boeing, Raytheon and Lockheed Martin. These same defense industries end up becoming direct beneficiaries of the multibillion-dollar foreign aid packages authorized by Congress and the White House for Ukraine. (Related: Western defense industry expected to make over $400 BILLION IN SALES by end of the year amid ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict.)

Opinion pieces claim more military aid for Ukraine is in the nation's interest

USUBC Secretary-Treasurer David Kramer, who also serves as the executive director of the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Texas, recently published an opinion piece in The Atlantic titled "The Only Realistic Answer to Putin." He co-wrote the article with USUBC senior advisors and former ambassadors to Ukraine John Herbst and William Taylor, both of whom also have deep ties to the defense industry. "In Ukraine, the Ukrainians are the ones doing the fighting, and tragically the dying; the United States has no soldiers on the ground," they write. "But we have every interest in providing the military support Ukraine needs to win this war and drive every Russian occupying and invading force off Ukrainian territory. "No one wants the war to end sooner than the Ukrainians, but they also believe, and with good reason, that they can win, if they get the assistance they need soon," they continue in their exhortation for more aid. "Now is not the time to snatch Russian defeat from Ukraine's jaws of victory." Kramer, with the full backing of the USUBC, has been publishing multiple other opinion pieces in different magazines and news outlets since the beginning of Russia's special military operation in Ukraine, all of which argue for more military aid to be diverted for Kyiv. In The Washington Post, Kramer co-authored an opinion piece with Taylor in December 2022 titled "The West Should Do Whatever It Takes to Help Ukrainians Survive the Winter." As its name suggests, Kramer wants the U.S. to spend not just on providing Ukraine with additional heavy military assets but also on more civilian aid such as fuel and repair parts for electricity generation. In the magazine American Purpose, Kramer wrote an opinion piece titled "Don't Go Wobbly on Ukraine." Published in November 2022, the article argued that Ukrainian victory is in the nation's interest of the U.S. and that calls for peace negotiations "are damaging and counterproductive." Learn more about the ongoing conflict in Ukraine at Watch this episode of "Brighteon Broadcast News" as Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, discusses how the United States continues to spend billions in taxpayer dollars on military aid for Ukraine. This video is from the Health Ranger Report channel on

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