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World War 3 could be imminent as Israel-Hamas war escalates, experts warn
By isabelle // 2023-10-17
One cybersecurity expert is predicting that World War 3 could start as soon as this weekend amid escalating fighting between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas. Speaking to the UK's Express, Guy Golan explained how such a war, which he thinks could kick off by Sunday, would encompass not only Israel but also Ukraine, Taiwan and even South Africa. Moreover, he believes that China would be a major player given their desire to “devalue the dollar and shift the global economy towards the Yuan.” China has recently been capitalizing on the Ukraine conflict and financial sanctions against Russia to bolster its currency, and Golan feels their ultimate aim is to gain economic domination rather than additional territories and finally shift the world’s economy away from the U.S. dollar in favor of the Yuan. As for how Ukraine fits into the situation, he thinks it will drain American and European resources and that once the world no longer has confidence in the American dollar, it is “game over” for the West. The role of South Africa, he says, would be to serve as a cyber bridge between the West and East, and that China’s savviness when it comes to cyber attacks could make it a force to be reckoned with in a cyber war. Golan said: “Right now, I get massive levels of information. The area of Israel is boiling in the sense that there are both cyber activities from different groups that just started. Iranians apparently mobilised troops from the east of Syria to the west of Syria. They are looking at Israel as cannon fodder.” He added that he believes we are “on the cusp of something quite cataclysmic” and that Iran has been preparing for this for many years.

Fears around the world that World War 3 could be imminent

Golan isn’t the only one who thinks we could be on the verge of a major war. Former U.S. President Donald Trump echoed this belief at a recent campaign stop in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He said: "We are closer to World War III than we've ever been. And I'm the only one that will prevent World War III." He added that recent advancements in weapons mean that such a war could prove to be the deadliest we have ever experienced. Meanwhile, financial historian Ray Dalio said he believes it is now essentially a coin toss as to whether we are about to see a world war break out encompassing the U.S. and China. On LinkedIn, he explained that he thinks there is a high risk the current situation will spur other conflicts in different places and will ultimately extend beyond Gaza and Israel. He noted: "Primarily for those reasons, it appears to me that the odds of transitioning from the contained conflicts to a more uncontained hot world war that includes the major powers have risen from 35% to about 50% over the last two years." Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky recently urged world leaders to show their solidarity with the Israeli people by visiting the country. He said: “Sometimes we are thinking how to prevail or how to stop the war, how to manage something, dialogue with Iran or Russia and et cetera. We have to think opposite — we have to not give the possibility for aggressors even to think about the third world war, the new wave of aggression, the new big tragedy.” UK Defense Analyst and columnist Lt. Col. Stuart Crawford said in commentary for Express that should the U.S. end up getting drawn into the war further – for example, if part of the fleet we’ve sent to the region is attacked – the situation would only spiral further. He added that if Israel does not destroy Hamas, we could well be looking at another world war. Sources for this article include: