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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. ditches Democrat Party, now running for president in 2024 as an INDEPENDENT
By ethanh // 2023-10-10
Facing relentless rejection and persecution from his now-former political party and their media lapdogs, 2024 presidential hopeful Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has decided to run as an Independent rather than a Democrat. In a recent statement before a crowd of supporters, RFK Jr. not only declared that he will run as an Independent, but also explained what this change means to him and to the Americans who choose to vote for him next fall. "I'm here to join you in making a new declaration of independence for our entire nation," RFK Jr. said. "We declare independence from the corporations that have hijacked our government. And we declare independence from Wall Street, from Big Tech, from Big Pharma, from Big Ag, from the military contractors and their lobbyists. And we declare independence from the cynical elites who betray our hope and who amplify our divisions. And finally, we declare independence from the two political parties." Watch below: (Related: RFK Jr. is a climate realist, not a climate fanatic, who simply wants to protect and conserve the environment and our precious natural resources.)

RFK Jr. currently polling around 14% in latest Reuters/Ipsos survey – Trump is at 40%

RFK Jr.'s announcement came as no surprise to many who anticipated the switch, which came Monday at an event in Philadelphia. His campaign also teased a possible announcement earlier this month, which came as expected. "I'm ready for tomorrow, are you?" RFK Jr. wrote on X (formerly Twitter) on Sunday, one day before his official announcement, along with a video – see below – of himself running up the Rocky Steps and Statue in Philadelphia where the "Rocky" movie was filmed. "Catch my livestream from 12-2pm." Though he is arguably the better candidate, RFK Jr. is trailing Donald Trump in the latest polls. According to Reuters and Ipsos, RFK Jr. is currently polling around 14 percent while Trump holds 40 percent. Joe Biden, meanwhile, is said to have around 38 percent support. On his campaign website, RFK Jr. explains that his plan for America involves "a major shift in American politics," which is why he chose Philadelphia, the "birthplace of America" – Philadelphia is also the only church mentioned in Revelation 3 as having an open door to escape the Time of Jacob's Trouble, which is upon us. "We invite you to witness history in the making at the very spot where our founding fathers launched this nation in 1776 with the Declaration of Independence," RFK Jr.'s campaign announced. "On Monday, we come together again to reset the course of our nation." The Democrat Party is so confident that RFK Jr. stands no chance of winning the election, even when he was still running as a Democrat, that a Democratic National Committee spokesman responded to questioning about his campaign from CNN with an arrogant eyeroll. Perhaps the Democrats should not be so haughty, though. As explained by Tim Donner, a senior policy analyst at Liberty Nation, "the walls are closing in on Joe Biden." "As he persists in his campaign for a second term in the White House, the 46th president is facing challenges from every direction – right, left, and center." The latest news about RFK Jr.'s run for the presidency in 2024 can be found at Sources for this article include: