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Hamas thanks Iran for providing "weapons, money and other equipment" to attack Israel
By ethanh // 2023-10-18
Abu Obaidah, the official spokesman of the Izzudin Al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas operating in the Gaza Strip, is thanking Iran for all the "weapons, money and other equipment" used to attack Israel. "[They] gave us missiles to destroy Zionist fortresses, and helped us with standard anti-tank missiles," Obaidah further said, crediting the Islamic Republic of Iran for these procurements. The claim is that all that "aid" money the United States sent to Iran under Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden – all in all, there is said to be $16 billion worth of it – was ultimately used by Hamas via Iran to launch this most recent attack on Israel. State Department spokesman Matthew Miller denies all this, having written on X (formerly Twitter) on Saturday that none of the aid money the U.S. sent to Iran was used to fund these acts of terrorism. "Let's be clear: the deal to bring U.S. citizens home from Iran has nothing to do with the horrific attack on Israel," Miller claims. "Not a penny has been spent, and when it is, it can only go for humanitarian needs like food and medicine. Anything to the contrary is false." (Related: Last fall, Iran announced plans to sell hundreds of ballistic missiles and drones to Russia.)

Have Hamas terrorists entered the U.S. via the southern border with plans to attack Americans?

Almost nobody is buying Miller's claims, though many also wonder how Hamas was able to outsmart Israel's highly intelligent military and defense apparatus, which is said to be the best in the world. Perhaps it really is that the weapons Hamas used in the attack were too calculated and advanced for the Israel Defence Force (IDF) to thwart. Or perhaps there is much more to the story that we are not privy to learning. The claim is that Hamas is abducting innocent Israeli children, women and grandmothers and locking them in cages in Gaza while filming it for the world to see. "This could happen in the U.S. if we keep these borders open and encourage these people to come here," one independent media outlet suggests. "It might be too late now." There are certainly major concerns arising about the untold millions of invaders who have poured across America's southern border in recent years under both Democrats and Republicans. Are some of them Hamas terrorists planning to unleash terror here as well? Time will tell. One thing we do know is that the America many knew and loved is pretty much gone, and chaos theory now seems to rule the day. We are told that Hamas terrorists were able to overcome Israel's top-of-the-line defense infrastructure by dropping "drone bombs on the border." These drone bombs supposedly came from every direction, including land, air and sea. "Obama gave the Palestinians $355 million in 2015," one commenter wrote about the situation. "On his last day in office, he gave them $221 million more but Trump blocked it." Another wrote that Iran is probably thanking the U.S. for funding and planning the billions that were freed up on 9/11. "Wasn't this expressing solidarity with Iran?" this person further asked. "On Oct. 4, 2018, an entity known by one letter, not X, said that a certain Middle East country's intelligence apparatus would stand down, in five years. Low and behold, five years was the day of the American EBS test." The latest news about the escalating conflict in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: