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Israel BOMBS airports in Damascus, Aleppo prior to arrival of Iran's foreign minister
By ethanh // 2023-10-16
To prevent Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian from achieving his planned visit to Syria in the aftermath of the recent Hamas attack, the Israeli military reportedly bombed Syrian airports in both Damascus and Aleppo, destroying their runways and forcing their closure. Amirabdollahian's plane was rerouted due to the bombing and has since landed in Baghdad. It is unclear whether or not he is still planning to try to enter Syria for his scheduled visit or if plans will change and be rescheduled. State media reported that Amirabdollahian's trip was scheduled "in light of the current Palestinian event, the crimes committed against Gaza and their dangerous ramifications." As of this writing, it appears as though the only still-functional airport in Syria is located in Latakia, though some speculate that Amirabdollahian could also utilize the Russian airbase or perhaps one of Syria's military airports to land for his planned visit. (Related: In response to the Hamas attack, Israel has cut off all resources including water, food, electricity, and fuel to the Gaza Strip's roughly 2.1 million residents.)

This is the first time Israel has bombed Damascus and Aleppo airports at the same time

The Israeli bombing of the two airports occurred after rockets were reportedly fired from Syria into the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights not long after the Hamas attack on southern Israel over the weekend. Media sources claimed these Syrian-fired rockets were meant to show "solidarity" with the Palestinian cause as Israeli ground forces amass around the Gaza Strip for a soon-planned ground invasion. Though nobody seems to know for sure, it could be that the strike was mounted by the Syrian Army itself, or perhaps it was some other "Iran-linked" group. "Attacks, rockets were fired from Syria into Israel," said Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesman Jonathan Conricus about the matter. "We do not yet know if these rockets were fired by the Syrian National Army (SNA), by any of the many Iranian militias that exist and are welcomed by the Syrian regime or Hezbollah or any other faction. What we do know is that we retaliated towards the sources of fire and currently the situation there is quiet and let’s hope that it remains that way." It would seem as though the Israeli government is holding the Syrian government under Bashar al-Assad responsible for the rocket attack, which prompted the IDF to strike back against these two Syrian targets. Syrian state television confirmed that Israel did launch attacks on the country's two main international airports, one of them located in a city, Damascus, that prophecy states will become a "ruinous heap" at the end of days. The Israeli attacks on these two main Syrian airports occurred while an Iranian plane was inbound. No casualties were reported by Syria at its Aleppo airport, but the Syrian government did not provide any detailed information at all about the outcome of the Damascus Airport strike, which could mean that some, possibly civilians, were injured or killed. While this is not the first time that Israel has attacked these two airports, it is the first time that Israel attacked them both at the same time. "We bombed Damascus and Aleppo airports in response to the firing of mortar shells from Syria," claims a spokesman from the Israeli army. The Iranian plane that was inbound at the time of the Israeli strikes was reportedly turned around mid-flight and redirected to Tehran. It cannot be stated for sure, but it is suspected that the plane in question was the one containing Iranian foreign minister Hossein Amirabdollahian, who was scheduled to visit Syria this week following the Hamas attack. The latest news from the front lines in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: