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Iran Nuclear Deal's UN Security Council Res. 2231 banning missile transfers to Iran EXPIRES – Iran now free to send and receive missiles, drones and hypersonic weapons
By ethanh // 2023-10-23
Israel is gradually coming to the stark realization that it does not have its war against Gaza in the bag, especially now that the United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 2231 has expired. Passed in 2015 as part of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, more commonly known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, Res. 2231 prohibited the transfer of missiles, drones, and adjacent weapons technologies to and from Iran – but it just expired on October 18 amid all the chaos. What Res. 2231's expiration means is that Iran can now freely send and receive whatever advanced arms and weapons technologies it has in its possession, including to Lebanon where Hezbollah has promised to enter the fray of the war if Israel proceeds to launch its planned full-scale ground invasion into Gaza. Israel is now whining and complaining that something must be done to reinstate Res. 2231 so it can maintain an advantage in its "holy war" against the Palestinian people, some 2.3 million of which live in the Gaza Strip alone. (Related: Did you know that Hamas is a creation of Israel?)

Russia hints it may supply weapons, if necessary, to stop Israeli genocide of Gaza

Though Iran has not yet made any kind of declaration one way or another about its intent, or not, to supply weapons to Lebanon now that Res. 2231 has expired, Russia, another ally of the Islamic republic, has. In a series of public remarks about the matter, the Russian Foreign Ministry stated that "supplies to and from Iran of products falling under the Missile Technology Control Regime no longer require prior approval by the UN Security Council." This is the extent of Russia's statement concerning the matter, leaving open-ended the prospect of a weapons transfer taking place. More than likely, Russia is simply putting Israel on notice that if it follows through with trying to commit mass genocide in Gaza, then Russia will come to the aid of the Palestinians. Ever since the onset of the war in Ukraine, Moscow has emphasized repeatedly the importance of furthering its working alliance with Tehran to provide reciprocal national security benefits for both countries. The goal is to create a new multi-polar world order in which each nation can descend out of the pit of U.S. influence and dominance, including unconditional Western support for Israel and its Zionist endeavors, no matter how brutal. In response to Russia's statement, the U.S. State Department tried to sound tough in a counter-response promising that the U.S. military will "take all necessary measures" to stop Iran and Russia from transferring weapons and other arms technologies among themselves for defensive purposes. It is unlikely that the State Department will actually be able to follow through with its threat, though. Increasingly more Americans, including in the military, are against the planned Israeli genocide of Gaza. "We have just been witnesses once again of hypocrisy and the double standards of our American colleagues," commented Russia's UN Ambassador Vassily Nebenzia after Washington, D.C., vetoed a UN Security Council Resolution calling for humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza. In other words, the U.S. does not want to help any of the innocent people who live in Gaza to avoid death at the hands of Israel. Instead, the U.S. is planning to send $10 billion and whatever weapons Israel needs to advance its genocidal campaign against Gaza. Ongoing conflicts within the UN Security Council coupled with the prospect of European military forces getting directly involved in supporting Israel is only escalating the prospect that this is all advancing to eventually become a third world war. The latest news coverage about the Middle East conflict can be found at Sources for this article include: