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Elon Musk announces Starlink will service international aid organizations in Gaza after Israel SEVERS all Palestinian telecommunications
By ethanh // 2023-11-01
With no more internet connectivity now that Israel has severed all services and resources in the Gaza Strip, the only thing left is Elon Musk's Starlink – which the billionaire said is now available to internationally recognized aid organizations trying to deliver food, water and other resources to besieged Palestinians. In a tweet, Musk announced that "Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza," adding that he and his team "will support the UN and other internationally recognized aid groups." Musk's Starlink tweet was a response to another by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) expressing concern about roughly 2.2 million people who live in the embattled Gaza Strip. "Journalists, medical professionals, humanitarian efforts and innocents are all endangered," AOC wrote. "I do not know how such an act can be defended. The United States has historically denounced this practice." AOC's tweet was also a response to another by Husam Zomlot, the Palestinian Ambassador to the United Kingdom, who tweeted that he has desperately been trying to reach his family in Gaza for hours "with no success." "All telecommunications and internet have been cut, while Israeli strikes is [sic] literally destroying Gaza from air land and sea," he added. "How many more innocent people: children, parents and grandparents will be murdered ..." (Related: Israel is using starvation as a weapon against Gaza in Holodomor-style genocide against the Palestinians.)

Residents of Gaza now SITTING DUCKS awaiting genocide by Israeli troops

UN Secretary-General António Guterres announced that there are now teams leading humanitarian efforts in Gaza who have lost all contact with the outside world, and who are thus in need of internet connectivity. To this, Musk wrote that Starlink is available to them, including teams associated with UN Development and UN Volunteers. "ITU condemns the communications blackout in Gaza and calls for life-saving access to networks to be restored," tweeted the International Telecommunications Union. "Civilians and civilian infrastructure must be protected at all times." To this, Musk affirmed that a total communications blackout "does seem questionable." "No terminals from Gaza have attempted to communicate with our constellation," Musk added in response to a plea from Dr. Anastasia Maria Loupis for Musk to investigate the situation and inform the world about what is really going on in Gaza. "SpaceX will support communication links with internationally recognized aid organizations," Musk added. With Gaza now under bombardment by Israel, Dr. Loupis and many others want to know: Is anyone standing for the people of Gaza, who are now sitting ducks awaiting their massacre at the hands of Israel? "It is not clear who has authority for ground links in Gaza," Musk said, "but we do know that no terminal has requested a connection in that area." One thing to keep in mind is that unless Gaza has the hardware to actually connect to Starlink, the satellites themselves will be useless. When someone pointed this out to Musk, his only response was "Correct." In typical form, Israel is pitching a fit about Musk's suggestion that humanitarian aid organizations, assuming they have the equipment to do so, can now access Starlink. "Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this," fumed Israeli Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi in a tweet against Musk. "HAMAS will use it for terrorist activities. There is no doubt about it, we know it, and musk [sic] knows it. HAMAS is ISIS." "Perhaps Musk would be willing to condition it with the release of our abducted babies, sons, daughters, elderly people. All of them! By then, my office will cut any ties with starlink," Karhi added. The latest news about the horror show erupting in the Middle East can be found at Sources for this article include: