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New lawsuit says Pfizer "knowingly distributed" unsafe drugs to children
By ethanh // 2023-11-28
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has filed a lawsuit against pharmaceutical giant Pfizer for allegedly administering a popular ADHD drug to children "despite the drug's pattern of failing quality control tests." Paxton says that Pfizer and partner Tris Pharma "knowingly distributed" the drug, known as Quillivant, despite the fact that criminal fraud took place with its regulatory approval. "I am horrified by the dishonesty we uncovered in the investigation," Paxton commented about the case in a tweet, adding that Pfizer intentionally unleashed this dangerous drug while fooling regulators and defrauding government healthcare systems. Paxton would go on to explain that Pfizer and its drug partners "altered the drug's testing method in violation of federal & state laws to ensure Quillivant passed regulatory hurdles and could continue to be sold." (Related: Did you know that Pfizer's latest Wuhan coronavirus [COVID-19] "booster" shots were never tested on people? Less than a dozen mice were the only trial recipients.)

Time for CEO Albert Bourla to be charged and tried for crimes against humanity

Quillivant contains the same active ingredient as Ritalin, a more popular ADHD drug from years past that was apparently rebranded by Pfizer in an attempt to boost sales. Pfizer has generated hundreds of millions of dollars from the sale of Quillivant, claiming all the while that any associated problems with taking the drug are the result of "quality control" issues. This is a bald-faced lie, of course, but this is what drug companies do: They lie through the teeth because, even when caught, they usually only have to pay a paltry penalty fee that is just a fraction of the overall profits the company rakes in from illicit drug sales. Pfizer also continues to lie about its mRNA COVID injection, with CEO Albert Bourla falsely claiming in April 2021 that the company's Phase 3 clinical trials with BioNTech revealed "that our COVID-19 vaccine was 100% effective in preventing #COVID19 cases in South Africa." Bourla has lied on many occasions about Pfizer's COVID jabs, which are linked to many serious adverse events and deaths that, conveniently, the company never mentions – but the internet is always watching. Dr. Peter A. McCullough and many others have noted that specific batches of Pfizer's COVID jabs appear much more dangerous than others, and that adverse events associated with such primarily exist within certain lots of the drug. The latest case filed by Paxton is just one of many to come down the pike against Pfizer in recent years – and it will almost certainly not be the last. Pfizer has a lot of retribution to pay for what it has done to humanity, and now is the time for the hammer to drop. As of this writing, not a single state in America has taken legal action against Pfizer for its behavior during the "pandemic." Not even Texas, with Paxton in charge, has taken up a case like this, though Florida, we are told, recently empaneled a grand jury that is currently in the process of investigating the adverse effects associated with COVID shots from Pfizer and the others that participated in Operation Warp Speed. "Paxton has been a stalwart on Big Pharma, the border and election integrity," one commenter wrote, approving of Paxton's efforts to hold Pfizer accountable. "No coincidence that they tried to impeach him. Red state AGs have a lot on their plates, let's hope they have the courage to fight for the people." "Were the people involved in initiating the impeachment proceedings tipped off about this case when they started their investigation?" asked another, speculating as to why Paxton may have been impeached. "Was the impeachment a way to try to kill his Pfizer investigation?" Will Pfizer ever be held accountable for crimes against humanity? Learn more at Sources for this article include: