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TEXIT IN PROGRESS? Secession question to appear on Texas GOP primary ballot in 2024
By kevinhughes // 2023-12-08
Texas Republicans are going to ask members whether the state should secede from the union in a non-binding question that will appear on the ballot for the state's GOP primary in March 2024. On Friday, Dec. 1, the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM), one of the main groups organizing for an independent Texas, declared that it had acquired the number of signatures needed to force the Texas Republican Party to include the question "Should the State of Texas reassert its status as an independent nation?" on the primary ballot. "In June of this year, our organization launched a petition campaign under the Texas Election Code 172.088. This section of the Election Code allows voters, by petition, to place a question on a party's primary ballot," reads a statement released by the TNM. "In short, by collecting 97,709 signatures and submitting them by the filing deadline on Dec. 11, 2023, we could actually bypass the SREC's [State Republican Executive Committee] ballot proposition process and compel the party to place the question on the ballot." The TNM's latest victory is part of a years-long push for the Lone Star State to hold a referendum on secession. But political analysts claim that there is no provision for a state to secede in the Constitution. (Related: Ted Cruz says Texas secession isn't off the table if socialist Democrats and Marxist Biden regime get their destructive agenda passed.)

Secessionists argue Texas would be better off as an independent nation

The TNM understands that, if the question successfully makes it to the Republican primary ballot and even if it passes, it would not be legally binding nor would it mean that Texas will actually secede from the United States. The TNM even noted that it understands that the question would be "advisory only." Regardless, the TNM views the question appearing on the ballot as a key victory for itself and other secession advocates in the state as they view it as an opportunity for Republican voters to share their thoughts on whether the state should be independent. The TNM further noted that the Texas GOP, by including the question on the ballot, would not be "endorsing a specific outcome" but instead supporting the principle that the party should be willing to consider multiple perspectives from its members. "Placing the question on the ballot brings clarity. If, as our detractors say, this is a fringe issue that no one supports, then they should have no resistance to this question being asked of Republican voters," noted the TNM. "In fact, they should be some of its strongest supporters. If what they say is true, then the results will show that fact, and Texit will be a dead issue in the party for a generation." "Let the people of Texas have their say," said Daniel Miller, president of the TNM. "If no one believes in it, then you get to shut me up." Miller argues that Texas would be better off economically and socially as an independent nation, and he believes there is a legal – though untested – basis for secession. Follow for more news about American states seeking secession. Watch the video below to know why Texans want secession on the ballot. This video is from the Hellrazer Report channel on

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