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UN agencies have been working for decades to achieve GLOBAL DEPOPULATION
By ethanh // 2023-12-15
In a little over a year, the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) expects that there will be a dramatic drop in the working-age population of "developed regions" of the world, which include Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand and Japan. DESA maintains an online resource called "World Population Prospects" that allows anyone to view graphic representations of the UN's anticipated demographic profiles for the world. Check it out for yourself to see how the UN has projected a massive decline in global population numbers c.2025. We know through the UN's Population Fund (UNFPA) and the UN Population Division of DESA that the entire UN system, if you will, has been involved in addressing population and interrelated issues for many decades now, almost as if the UN knows something about the future. Why is the UN "predicting" a precipitous decline in population numbers specifically in the developed world, and all within the next few years? Is this just an estimation of what it thinks might happen, or is the UN privy to knowledge about what is going to happen? (Related: By the time 2030 arrives, there will likely be far fewer people alive due to severe cold and food shortages.)

They want you and your family dead

It all started, at least at the UN, around the year 1969 when the UNFPA launched operations and assumed a leading role within the UN in promoting population, or rather depopulation, programs. In 1994 at the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD) in Cairo, the UNFPA's mandate was unpacked in further detail with materials to help individual countries carry out the Conference Program of Action. A 2007 report prepared for the United States Congress describes the UNFPA as the world's largest source of population and reproductive health programs. The U.S., with support from Congress, played a pivotal role, it turns out, in the UNFPA's launch. Said report does not state the private foundations that fund the UNFPA, explaining only that the UN arm "receives voluntary contributions from many countries and some private foundations," with most of its income coming "from a handful of donors." Japan and the Netherlands provide most of the UNFPA's financial support, helping it to organize, finance and implement the outcomes of the 1994 ICPD, also known as "The Cairo Plan." The Cairo Plan was the first to unveil the term "population control," emphasizing that coercion and quotas could be used by governments to keep population numbers in check with globalist goals. "The Plan recognized that population growth needed a program that increased the educational, economic and political rights of women," explains The Exposé. "This in turn leads women to want fewer children." This 20-year "program of action," as they call it, was accepted by more than 150 countries. Its aim was to keep population numbers in check while dismantling the family unit and unleashing, as we can all now see, a culture of unbridled debauchery, destruction and hell. With all that said, it appears as though the plan is about to reach its conclusion in the next year or so as population numbers are "predicted" by the UN to collapse in a spectacularly dramatic way. "The question is: Is this a UN 'prediction' or a hoped-for result of a planned depopulation agenda?" the Exposé asked. "And if it is planned, how are 'they' planning to achieve an increase in deaths and at the same time a reduction in births?" More of the latest about the UN's plans for the depopulation and ultimately re-wilding of the planet can be found at Sources for this article include: