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Zionists still fabricating LIES about Hamas sexual violence to maintain public support for bombing women and children in Gaza
By ethanh // 2023-12-20
The Biden regime cannot stop lying about the Hamas "atrocities" that Israel claims, without evidence, occurred on October 7. We continue to hear bizarre stories about babies being baked in ovens and Hamas fighters raping and killing Israeli women, but where is the proof? This past week, Sec. of State Antony Blinken told CNN's Jake Tapper the "sexual violence that we saw on October 7 [by Hamas] is beyond anything that I have seen." It turns out that Blinken saw nothing at all, which makes his statement to Tapper technically true. "I don't know why countries, leaders, international organizations were so slow to focus on this, to bring it to people's attention," Blinken added in a rant. "I'm glad it is finally happening." "The atrocities that we saw on October 7 are almost beyond human description or beyond our capacity to digest. And we've talked about them before." Tapper then asked Blinken why he believes the United Nations (UN) and the international community have been slow to respond to these unfounded allegations. Blinken responded with: "I think it is a question that these organizations, these countries need to ask themselves." (Related: It increasingly appears as though Israel Defense Forces [IDF] are rounding up innocent young men and boys from Gaza and abusing and torturing them as if they were "Hamas fighters.")

Israel's "enhanced interrogation" is torture to push a false narrative

Since Israel has no actual proof of any of the atrocities it claims Hamas committed during the October 7 false flag attack, the Jewish state is resorting to "enhanced interrogation" techniques designed to produce false admissions from captured Palestinians. What Israel is basically doing is torturing Palestinian captives into admitting to crimes they probably never committed, just to generate the "proof" that Israel needs to twist the world's arm into supporting its campaign of genocide. "Israeli police are interrogating suspects and compiling evidence, including video, forensics and witness testimony, to investigate accusations of rape during the attacks," CNN reported about this, adding that it "cannot independently verify individual allegations and claims." In other words, we are just supposed to accept and believe whatever Blinken and the rest of the Zionist establishment both here in the United States and across the sea in Israel are claiming about the Hamas attack because there is no actual evidence to back any of it. Hamas continues to deny that its militants committed any kind of rape during the attack, calling claims to the contrary "the coordination of some Western media outlets with the Zionist misleading campaigns that promoted unfounded lies and allegations aimed at demonizing the Palestinian resistance." Just like Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu recently did, Tapper quickly called the entire unbelieving world "antisemitic" for expecting proof from Israel and its war arm known as the U.S. before believing any of the atrocity stories coming out of the Jewish state. "These two might as well be working directly for Netanyahu's press office as they're repeating all his talking points," says Information Liberation's Chris Menahan about Blinken and Tapper. Keep in mind that Israel's most ridiculous propaganda story thus far, the one about "mass rape and sexual violence" by Hamas on October 7, was recently debunked by The Grayzone as a complete fabrication. The latest news about Israel's war on Gaza can be found at Sources for this article include: