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This is treason: Americans should be absolutely enraged as America's full-scale invasion is enabled by 'enemies of America within'
By newseditors // 2024-01-04
While the Biden crime cabal importing tens of millions of third-world 'illegals' into the country so that they can live here illegally, with their entire lives here in America paid for by the American taxpayer while many of those same American taxpayers are suffering gravely, should be enough to absolutely enrage EVERY American citizen, that's not even the half of it. (Article by Stefan Stanford republished from As Tucker Carlson warns us in the 1st video at the bottom of this story, while the 'Biden crime cabal' is enabling the overthrow of America, the White House is also telling these 'invaders' that 'white people' are the source of their problems here in the US, setting up a 'situation' that could get out of control in no time at all, especially with these illegal immigrants who're invading America crossing our Southern border with their firearms in hand as seen in the photo above out of Eagle Pass, Texas. And with those 'border jumpers' consisting mainly of military-aged men from countries all across Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and China as we've pointed out in numerous ANP stories going back over a year now, and the 'mainstream media terror complex' and the White House telling these invaders the reason for their agony around the world is 'white people,' as Tucker Carlson asks here in this post on 'X' and the 1st video at the bottom of this story, "How's that going to work out in the end?" And if you're not quite as enraged as I am right now after reading the opening to this story, the next little segment here should do the trick as the Conservative Research Group reports this huge bit of information that we can be sure the mainstream media won't touch upon: Biden’s Department of Veterans Affairs is diverting resources from American Veterans to illegal aliens for healthcare. Meaning all of these illegal aliens flowing into our country with their shotguns (and who knows what else!) in hand are getting healthcare paid for by the American taxpayer when tens of millions of taxpayers are going without, not to mention all of the US Veterans who sacrificed for America being horribly treated by our own govt, there can be no doubt this 'crime cabal' occupying the White House are the very definition of 'enemies of America within,' and should be treated exactly as 'enemies' to America should be treated. From this Conservative Research Group story before we continue.: ACT for America reported U.S. Rep. Mike Bost as Chairman of the House Veterans Affairs Committee introduced the “No VA Resources for Illegal Aliens Act”, in response to a report that VA resources were going to illegal migrants. Brigitte Gabriel, chair of ACT for America, posted on Twitter on December 26 that healthcare for illegals had caused a “severe breakdown” in services for veterans. “While Veterans Affairs cannot figure out how to help our homeless veterans, they are quick in diverting critical taxpayer-funded assistance to illegal aliens!” Gabriel asked, “Who authorized this?” She called on Congress to take action to protect veterans and hold officials accountable. ACT for America attributed the VA resource diversion to the “failed border policies” of Joe Biden’s administration. “Chairman Bost insists that diverting money from veterans is a travesty, demanding answers from administration and vowing to prioritize veterans’ needs,” ACT for America said.  This legislation, which was also introduced by U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville aims to ensure that VA is focused on the healthcare needs of American veterans and not illegal migrants. This revelation highlights the urgent need to address immigration policies that impact essential services for those who served their country.  Every day, more illegal aliens pour over the border, including unknown numbers of criminals and gang members. Terrorists, foreign agents, and agents of war (including a possible invasion by Chinese Communists) are also present. Todd Bensman, Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), has previously highlighted how American taxpayers are sucked dry by illegals. Illegal immigration is a major problem for the city (and therefore taxpayers), as it drains resources from the government and overburdens schools. Illegals also commit hundreds of thousands of crimes that shouldn’t have occurred because they should not be in the country. Many states don’t even track the crimes committed by illegal migrants because they do not want to expose how dangerous illegal immigration is for American citizens.
And as this recent story over at Zero Hedge reports, not only is the crime cabal that is 'occupying' the White House facilitating the invasion of America, they're lying through their teeth to the American people about their never-ending crimes of treason and sedition. With the Biden cabal called by that ZH story the king of spreading misinformation, as their story reported, these radicals in the White House have tried to convince taxpayers that millions of illegals flooding the southern border is "not unusual." Sure, 'not unusual' for a group of terrorists in government working diligently to overthrow a country. Check out how they're trying to paint it.: "And what we're seeing here at the border, the migration flow, increased migration flows, certainly, it ebbs and flows. And were at a time of the year where we're seeing more at the border, and it's not unusual," White House Press Secretary (The Queen of Gaslighting) Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters during a recent press conference. Read more at: