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Border Patrol defies Biden's orders by REFUSING to remove Texas razor wire barriers – and adding MORE
By ethanh // 2024-01-31
Things are heating up in the Lone Star State after senior figures within U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) defy the Biden regime concerning the removal of the razor wire barriers that were set up along sections of the southern border near Eagle Pass, Texas. According to reports, the senior Border Patrol officials are refusing to take down the razor wire barriers, which were originally set up by the Texas National Guard. A high-ranking Border Patrol official told FOX News that the federal agency's relationship with the Texas National Guard is "strong," suggesting its relationship with the Biden regime is not. "While this issue plays out in the courts, the relationship between Border Patrol, Texas DPS [Department of Public Safety], & TMD [Texas Military Dept.] remains strong," the official said. "Our focus is and will always be the mission of protecting this country and its people." "On the ground, we continue to work alongside these valuable partners in that endeavor. Bottom line: Border Patrol has no plans to remove infrastructure (c-wire) placed by Texas along the border." The official went on to state that Border Patrol's "posture remains the same," regardless of what the Biden regime says or does contrary to federal and state immigration laws. "If we need to access an area for emergency response, we will do so," he added. "When that happens, we will coordinate with Texas DPS & TMD." (Related: Did you know that Maine is now providing free housing to illegal aliens, even as its homeless veteran population suffers on the streets.)

Border Patrol won't interfere with "lawful" operations of Texas National Guard

To be sure that nobody, including everyone within the Biden regime, missed the memo, the Border Patrol Union issued a statement clarifying that its agents will not interfere with the "lawful" operations of the Texas National Guard, regardless of what the spooks in D.C. order them to do otherwise. "TX NG and rank-and-file BP agents work together and respect each other's jobs. Period," the statement reads. "If TX NG members have LAWFUL orders, then they have to carry out those orders." "Rank-and-file BP agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America,” the statement continues, adding "We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abbott, or TX DPS." "It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn't true." During a recent appearance with Tucker Carlson, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott said his state is "prepared" for a likely inevitable conflict with the federal government over the matter. Thus far, 25 states, or half the country, has expressed support for Texas and its efforts to seal its southern border with Mexico. Ten of them, including Oklahoma, are deploying their own National Guard to help Texas in the effort. "We have the right to defend our country against invasion," said Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt. The White House, meanwhile, says it might try to federalize the Texas National Guard to stop Texas, Oklahoma and the others from securing the southern border. The latest news about the showdown between Texas and the Biden regime can be found at Sources for this article include: