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Transcript of Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin NOW RELEASED
By ethanh // 2024-02-09
It has finally been unleashed: the transcripts from journalist Tucker Carlson's recent interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin, the video of which is scheduled to be publicly released on February 9. Much to the chagrin of the corporate-controlled media establishment, Carlson gave Putin the chance to tell all, from his perspective, about the purpose of the Ukraine invasion, as well as reveal the ugly truth about America's deep state-infested government. Right off the bat, Putin told Carlson that Russia is not an enemy of the American people. "We don't want war," Putin explained. "We're ready for peace. Your leaders seek conflict. That is not what we want. Russia stands for its own people. We do not want what is not ours." Putin also told Carlson that he is ready and willing to meet with President Biden in Washington, D.C., to discuss the matter, but the "big guy" will not have him. The Biden regime is the first, it turns out, to not invite Putin for a chat. "We're convinced he is not running the country," Putin said about Biden. "Let's say we have good sources that confirm that, but it's plain for anyone to see for themselves. The U.S. has now entered a dark period. It has unaccountable leadership." (Related: For years, the Pentagon has been threatening Russia with a nuclear attack if Putin does not pull out of Ukraine.)

Putin: Americans aren't Russia's enemy

Putin made it abundantly clear that Russia has no interest in rigging U.S. elections as the Russia-hating American media has long claimed. He did, however, state that former President Trump did a much better job at securing America's southern border than the current White House occupant. Concerning Ukraine, Putin told Carlson that the land currently called Ukraine was historically Russia's. It is occupied by Russians, and all Putin is trying to do is fight for what is Russia's while also ridding Ukraine of the corrupt financial entities that currently control it. "There are strong financial entities in whose interest it is to keep us as adversaries," Putin said about the regime of Volodymyr Zelensky. "One of your presidents warned against that. We Russians do not have that problem." While those in Washington, D.C., "are certainly not our friends," Putin continued, the American people at large are allies, in a sense. "We were allies in WWII," Putin said about Russia's historical relationship with the U.S. "Russians helped settle Alaska, California, and we were in Hawaii, too. Our people are not enemies." Biden's puppet masters clearly hate Russia, though Putin is unsure if Biden even knows what is going on above him. "He may not understand the level of sanctions thrown at Russia," Putin said about Biden. "Who put those sanctions together? Those are our adversaries." One of the biggest threats to the swamp monsters in D.C. is Russia's advancement of the BRICS alliance, which threatens the Federal Reserve Note, also known as the U.S. dollar. "It's a natural reaction to the Western trading bloc," Putin explained about BRICS. "When the dollar is weaponized against states, there will be a natural alternative to it. That's what we want." "Whenever the dollar is endangered, the United States takes extreme measures. It cannot afford to have the dollar fail." Concerning his health, Putin denied continued Western media claims that he is sick and dwindling, and that he may possibly have cancer. "I assure you those rumors are false," Putin said. "If I had cancer and beat it, I would share the good news and the cure with the world ... I'm fine. I feel good. Given my years, I'm in the best of health but father time." The latest news about the Russia-Ukraine war can be found at Sources for this article include: