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Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Catholic NGO for facilitating U.S. BORDER INVASION
By kevinhughes // 2024-02-28
Texas Attorney General (AG) Ken Paxton has sued a Catholic non-government organization (NGO) for helping lead the border invasion. Independent journalist Breanna Morello tackled this complaint in an episode of "The Breanna Morello Show," noting that the day has come when a Republican is finally going after the NGOs who pretend to be associated with the Catholic Church. "Paxton is actually going after them. He is now suing one of them – the Annunciation House, which is a Catholic nonprofit," she said. "What is very interesting is that a lot of these NGOs are actually helping the invasion that's happening right now in our country. They are telling … these illegal aliens how to get into our country, … how to go about claiming asylum and how to kind of manipulate our current laws on the books. They're leading the invasion." According to Morello, she had been calling on Republicans to get involved and go after these NGOs. Some Republicans from the federal government, she added, are looking to defund them as taxpayer dollars are going to these groups. She then turned to her guest, Brandon Waltens of the Texas Scorecard, asking him to tackle the Texas AG's lawsuit against Annunciation House.

Annunciation House just one of several NGOs assisting the border invasion

According to Waltens, Paxton has accused the El Paso-based Annunciation House of facilitating illegal immigration and operating stash houses in Texas. He added that Annunciation House is one of several NGOs that exist through donations. However, these groups are assisting the migrant invasion Americans are seeing across the country – specifically in Texas. (Related: NGOs “carefully planned” mass migration INVASION of America, report reveals.) In response to Morello's question about the extent of these NGOs' involvement in Texas, he disclosed that these organizations have been involved even before the illegals came into the Lone Star State or other parts of the United States. "You have NGOs that are operating in Mexico and other countries literally helping people get sorted before they even come across. We've seen multiple reports of that not only in Texas, but all across the southern border. And so, that has certainly been a major issue," said Waltens. "Once they are here, the Biden administration has their 'Biden buses' that are dispersing a lot of these illegal immigrants throughout the country, or you see them being put on planes. Some of that is being done by the federal government. [But] some of that is being facilitated as well by these NGOs." Elsewhere in the show, Morello also asked Waltens about the goings-on in Eagle Pass following the Supreme Court's decision in favor of the Biden administration a month prior. The senior editor for the Scorecard replied that since the ruling, federal officials have been banned from both Eagle Pass and Shelby Park – two border hot spots. Instead, members of the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard are now stationed in the area. "They are essentially keeping those illegal crossings to a minimum while keeping out federal officials who may be ordered to come in and cut the fence. Now, that is the positive news," said Waltens. He added that based on recent reports, illegal crossings are likely down in Texas compared to other states like California and Arizona. However, he pointed out that Texas has over 1,200 miles of border with Mexico. Some of the illegal crossing has been moved 10 to 30 miles east or west, where it is not easy to report on the migrants coming across private lands. Follow for more stories about the ongoing migrant invasion in America. Watch the full episode of "The Breanna Morello Show" where Morello and Waltens tackle the complaint filed by Texas AG Ken Paxton against Annunciation House below.
This video is from the MyPodcastDropped2320 channel on

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