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CIA secretly targeted 26 Trump associates in 2016, including Alex Jones
By ethanh // 2024-03-03
A "high-placed source" told former Secret Service agent-turned-conservative commentator Dan Bongino that dozens of high-profile individuals who were close to Donald Trump during his 2016 campaign found themselves on an illegal surveillance list compiled by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under Barack Obama. Not only were close Trump family members like Melania, Ivanka and Donald Trump, Jr. on the list, but so were people like Alex Jones, Roger Stone and Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, Bongino said – watch the video below:
"My list is more than 26 names," Bongino claims. "I'm obviously not going to tell you who I got this from." The purpose of this list, according to Bongino, was to allow U.S. intelligence agencies to "bump target with Russian interaction and spying." In this case, the term "bumping" means when an intelligence spook makes up a reason or excuse to meet with a target of interest in order to develop a faux relationship with that target for the purpose of gaining intelligence. The full list of names on Bongino's list include the following: Donald Trump Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) Ben Carson Donald Trump, Jr. Eric Trump Ivanka Trump Melania Trump Jared Kushner Jason Miller David Bossie Samuel Clovis Paul Manafort Jason Johnson Carter Page George Papadopoulos Alice Stewart Victoria Coates Christopher Bourne Jason Osborne Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) Donald McGahn Michael Flynn Alex Jones Jefferson Sessions Former New York City Mayor Rudolph Giuliani Roger Stone (Related: Some businessmen who support Trump are pulling out of New York following the state's civil ruling against the former president.)

Former CIA director John Brennan responsible

Interestingly enough, it was also revealed earlier this month that former CIA director John Brennan just so happened to identify and present 26 names – well would you look at that? – to foreign intelligence agencies, the names of which were not released, until now. Brennan played a critical role in using those names to compile fake evidence for the "Russian collusion" hoax, which was used to try to derail Trump's presidential win in 2016. That hoax is still being used, by the way, to try to derail Trump's potential win in 2024 as well. The foreign intelligence agencies that received the 26 names include the members of "Five Eyes," which include the U.S., the United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. By surveilling those 26 people, the intelligence deep state hoped to entrap Trump for "Russian collusion." Shortly after the FBI raided Trump's Mar-a-Lago resort and golf club in south Florida, the former president blasted the intelligence community, noting that these same folks cooked up the Steele Dossier and other components of the Russian collusion hoax. "This persecution is being done by the same weaponized agencies that for seven years have been running illegal psychological warfare campaigns against the American people," Trump later complained at one of his rallies in New Jersey. The next thing on people's minds is: Will Congress hold the intelligence community and assets like Brennan or former FBI director James Comey responsible for all of this? Or will it all get swept under the rug as another case of business as usual? The latest news about Trump's re-attempt at a second White House term can be found at Sources for this article include: (1) (2)