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Jeff Bezos' ex-wife handing majority of $640M donation war chest to leftist groups pushing illegal migrant invasion, transgenderism
By ethanh // 2024-04-01
Most of the $640 million that MacKenzie Scott, Jeff Bezos' ex-wife, is donating to "charity" is actually being funneled into far-left causes like wide-open borders and transgenderism. We are told that Scott will give $122 million to 67 different migrant-advocacy organizations for legal aid and other assistance, this according to an analysis of the 361 awards she recently announced through her foundation Yield Giving. Two of the migrant-advocacy organizations receiving $2 million in cash each from Scott include the Florida Immigration Coalition, which opposes Gov. Ron DeSantis' crackdown on illegal migrants who commit crimes; and the Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition, which is fighting that state's efforts to increase enforcement of immigration law. Scott is also giving $117 million to 67 prisoner-advocacy groups to support imprisoned criminals and ex-cons; and $72 million to 43 groups that promote the idea of "gender identity," "sexual orientation" and other LGBTQ+ causes, including the push to allow biological males in female changing and washrooms. Another recipient of Yield Giving cash is the so-called "clean" energy industry, 10 groups of which will receive $18 million in funding. "Bezos' wife is using the profits he made through capitalism to [fund] the rope that will hang capitalism," commented Mike Gonzalez, a senior fellow at the conservative Heritage Foundation, modifying the below famous quote from former Soviet revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin: "The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them." (Related: Jeff Bezos wants to destroy all farming in the United States so it can be replaced with fake food production, which he just so happens to be invested in to the tune of $1.27 billion.)

Deconstructing capitalism

All of these cash donations are of course being designated as "philanthropy" for "good causes," the truth being that all of them are left-wing causes that push something other than the crony capitalism through which Bezos amassed his fortune. "These things that she's donating money to – whether it's transgender ideas, helping illegals, prisoner rights, climate change – they're all trying to transform our system away from capitalism," Gonzalez added. The author of two novels and the third-wealthiest woman in the United States, Scott was married to Bezos for 25 years and has four children with him. When she divorced Bezos, Scott held $38.3 billion in Amazon stock. Prior to her latest announcement about the new $640 million in donations, Scott gave a whopping $16.5 billion to various groups that she and her team hand-selected. When Scott first started Yield Giving back in December 2022, she asked for applications from community-led nonprofit groups seeking financial assistance. Applicants were required to have budgets ranging between $1 million and $5 million, and all had to adopt mission statements "to advance the voices and opportunities of individuals and families of meager or modest means." Scott originally only pledged to give half of the amount she ended up giving with the latest round of disbursements totaling $640 million. Of the 6,350 charities that applied, 361 were chosen to receive awards totaling either $1 million or $2 million. One LGBTQ+ group called Gender Justice that received a $2 million award from Scott praised her for this "gift," stating that it "could not come at a more crucial time" as "a conservative legal movement [is] threatening our fundamental rights here in Minnesota, North Dakota, and across the United States." "Building and sustaining a world free of gender barriers requires community organization, education, and changing the ways we talk and think about gender," commented Megan Peterson, executive director of Gender Justice. Of the $72 million that Scott contributed to LGBTQ+ causes, at least $16 million of that went to support more transgender athletes in female sports. More related news about the takedown of America by globalists like Bezos and MacKenzie can be found at Sources for this article include: