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Israel strikes Rafah where all remaining Gaza refugees fled: 22 DEAD, most of them CHILDREN
By ethanh // 2024-04-23
Just hours after the corrupt dinosaur clown show known as the United States Congress authorized billions more in aid for Israel, the Zionist state bombed Rafah in Gaza, killing "mostly children." Rafah, where all of the Palestinian refugees still alive in Gaza were forced by Israel to flee, is the last remaining place in Gaza that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is salivating at the thought of destroying. All in all, the strike killed 22 people, 18 of them children, according to health officials. And there are many more deaths to come now that Israel is once again flush with cash extorted by Congress from U.S. taxpayers. The latest reports indicate that Israel is bombing Rafah almost every day now. Soon, if Netanyahu and his comrades get their way, there will also be a ground offensive in Gaza. "In the coming days, we will increase the political and military pressure on Hamas because this is the only way to bring back our hostages and achieve victory," Netanyahu announced with that iconic grimace. We will land more and painful blows on Hamas — soon." (Related: Did you know that your tax dollars are paying for Israel to commit genocide in Gaza?)

Israeli genocide in Gaza most documented in history

The very first Israeli strike on Rafah resulted in the death of a man, his wife and their three-year-old child, according to the nearby Kuwaiti Hospital that received their bodies. The wife was pregnant with another child, which praise be to God was saved by doctors. However, the chances of that child surviving in the coming days is slim as Israel plans to fully ethnically cleanse the entire Gaza Strip, Holocaust-style. "These children were sleeping," said Umm Kareem, one of the family's relatives. "What did they do? What was their fault?" Also among the dead was Rasha, the daughter of Mohammed el-Beheiri, along with her six children, the youngest of whom was just 18 months old. The bodies of another woman and her three children were still under the rubble as of publishing time. "This is the most documented genocide in history and our government is funding it with our tax dollars and supplying Israel with their bombs," wrote Chris Menahan of Information Liberation about the horrors taking place in Gaza right now, compliments of Israel. We also now know that Israel surgically bombed yet another international humanitarian aid truck, the last one against World Food Kitchen supposedly being an "accident." "The Synagogue of Satan is doing the works of their father," one commenter wrote about Israel, citing scripture from Revelation 2:9. "'America' will not be satisfied until its 'gods' have slaughtered every single Palestinian!" wrote another, expressing discouragement about the rampant evils Israel and its best friend the United States are perpetrating against innocent people. All of this was foretold, and the judgment that comes next will not be fun for Israel. Learn more at Sources for this article include: