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Mike Cartwright discusses the need to save America from ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION on "The Sheriff Mack Show" – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2024-04-30
Former deputy sheriff Mike Cartwright discussed the need to save America from illegal immigration during his appearance on the April 23 episode of the Brighteon.TV program "The Sheriff Mack Show." Cartwright, the former deputy sheriff of Florida's Hillsborough County, told program hosts Sheriff Richard Mack and Sam Bushman that the border crisis is one of the greatest challenges facing the American nation. According to him, the border crisis isn't just limited to the southwest border – but also involves all 50 states. The erstwhile sheriff also stressed that illegal immigration is a crime and Americans need to be aware of it. "Right now, we just have a bad maladministration that is trying to steal the vote, among many things, [with a view to] destroying the fabric of our country," said Cartwright. "So the Save America from Illegal Immigration (SAII) program that we have is an awareness [campaign] to try and make sure that all the citizens, and particularly the voters, know that they have a lot more answers and opportunities to make a difference." The former deputy sheriff noted that SAII empowers the people to act "rather than just [wait] on some politicians in Washington, D.C. … [or] in their State Capitol." He added: "We're trying to make them all aware that their sheriffs have the constitutional right to help make a difference." Cartwright also warned that illegal aliens are now being shipped off to red districts that put conservative and constitutional values are foremost, in order to turn those areas blue. The government is also setting up these illegals to vote, whether legally or not. Mack, the former sheriff of Graham County in Arizona, agreed with his guest. He said illegal immigration is the biggest disaster that America has ever faced as a country. This is because its own politicians are doing it intentionally.

SAII seeks to make people aware of alien deportation program

According to Cartwright, SAII seeks to make people aware of the 287(g) program to deport illegal aliens under Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The organization is trying to create awareness about how sheriffs can make a difference using this program. Cartwright argued that sheriffs in the U.S. must be empowered to stop the revolving door policy of catch and release of illegals back into every American community. Mack agreed, noting that ICE 287(g) is a constitutional obligation and responsibility that the sheriff must uphold – even more so when the federal government is not doing its job. He also stressed the importance of sheriffs enforcing these rules and get it moving. (Related: NYC Mayor Adams: Illegal immigration under Biden has become a NATIONAL CRISIS.) Cartwright mentioned there are over 3,000 sheriff's offices in every county throughout America. But he lamented that only less than 0.01 percent of the sheriffs throughout the nation – approximately 130 – are enforcing the ICE 287(g) program. He also revealed that the Biden administration is trying to defeat the program in two ways. First, it is stopping the sheriffs from deporting illegal immigrants. Second, it is intentionally delaying applications for the ICE 287(g) program. The former Hillsborough County sheriff continued that SAII is making sure that all 50 U.S. states are informing their citizens and voters to check with their sheriff and see if they are enrolled in the ICE 287(g) program. Sheriffs in red counties are doing a good job of enforcing the program, but those in blue counties aren't. "That's why we're seeing what used to be liberal socialist cities and counties now pushing back and saying, 'Stop the sanctuaries,'" Cartwright said, citing Chicago and New York City as examples. "The people are now realizing, 'This is not safe. This is not healthy.' And so, there's a pushback. Follow for more news about the illegal immigration happening in America. Watch the April 23 episode of "The Sheriff Mack Show" below. "The Sheriff Mack Show" airs every Tuesday at 10 a.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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