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AIPAC-funded Republicans threaten ICC: "Target Israel and we will target you"
By ethanh // 2024-05-13
America's top Republican senators are threatening the International Criminal Court (ICC) with retribution should the Hague-based tribunal proceed with serving Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and other top Israeli officials with arrest warrants over the war in Gaza. A one-page letter that media outlets are describing as "terse" lays out the terms of these Israel-first senators in so many words: leave Netanyahu et al. alone or else. "Target Israel and we will target you," the letter to Karim A. A. Khan from the ICC's Office of the Prosecutor reads. "Such actions are illegitimate and lack legal basis, and if carried out will result in severe sanctions against you and your institution." All of the letter's signatories are Republicans and include the following names: Katie Boyd Britt of Alabama Kevin Cramer of North Dakota Marco Rubio of Florida Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee Mitch McConnell of Kentucky Pete Ricketts of Nebraska Rick Scott of Florida Tom Cotton of Arkansas Ted Budd of North Carolina Tim Scott of South Carolina Ted Cruz of Texas Bill Hagerty of Tennessee The ICC's chief prosecutor responded to the letter on Twitter by condemning the threats therein, calling on everyone involved to cease their efforts to "impede" and "intimidate" ICC officials – read the statement below: (Related: Have you checked out, which exposes Zionist politicians in the United States who take bribes from Israel?)

Democrat senator condemns "thuggery" of Senate Republicans

Zeteo confirmed the letter's authenticity, and Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) responded to it with the following statement: "It is fine to express opposition to a possible judicial action, but it is absolutely wrong to interfere in a judicial matter by threatening judicial officers, their family members and their employees with retribution. This thuggery is something befitting the mafia, not U.S. senators." It is important to note that every single Republican senator who signed the letter to the ICC is on the dole from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), meaning they are all bought and paid for by the Zionist lobby. Keep in mind that not a single one of these Israel-first Republicans has ever issued these kinds of threats on behalf of the American people whom they supposedly represent. All of them have made Israel their top priority, their constituents and their needs be damned. "When the GOP controlled all three branches of government under Trump, they claimed they were powerless to defend our border, deport illegals, stop Big Tech censorship, secure gun rights and so on but now, with the slimmest of majorities in the House, they're passing $95 billion giveaways to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan (with zero dollars to secure America's borders), banning TikTok for Israel, approving the FISA spying laws to spy on Americans for Israel, passing bills to outlaw 'anti-Semitism' on college campuses for Israel and threatening the ICC without a care in the world for the laws of America or the 'international rules-based order,'" further notes Chris Menahan from Information Liberation. All of the 12 Republican senators talk a big game when it comes to America First issues, but their actions once again speak louder than their words. Congress is infested with Israel-first traitors who could not care less about We the People. Find out more at Sources for this article include: