“Every socialist experiment in human history has started with caps on food and it has resulted in bread lines like you can see in the image behind me…This is a mistake. It is anti-American.”There is no price gouging just like there was no “pandemic” just like the slow kill bioweapons are anything but “Safe and Effective.” This is nothing more than a wholly illegitimate and sick Federal government and their corporate partners-in-crime continuing to engage in democide. Michael Yon covers some of the basic mechanics of how this Grocery ‘Price Gouging’ scam will play out:
One of the worst things governments can do when things go badly — but always seem to do — is make price controls. Gas on fire. In case of actual food emergency, police military, thugs, and hungry people, go house to house, warehouse to warehouse, farm to farm — and seize food. People become expert at hiding food. Farms often are picked over by plagues of locust-people. Farmers stop farming… Hoarders, speculators, and preppers are different sorts, but they all get blamed as if they are hoarders. Hoarders who buy everything they can get at last minute are a problem. Preppers actually REDUCE the problem because they are not starving and stressing the supplies, but preppers get blamed as if they are hoarders. Speculators, as with preppers, often buy far in advance of the problems and actually part of the SOLUTION. They buy when prices are lower and supplies are common. Speculators can be fantastic. When prices skyrocket, speculators find a way to get their supplies to market even when they must travel far even to another country. But dirty governments run by dimwits will often call speculators “hoarders” and arrest them and seize their supplies. Governments who often cause food emergencies always blame farmers, distributors, retailers, for price gouging and hoarding. Government price fixing, seizures, crime from government, and street thugs, causes actual production and distribution to plummet. That’s when the REAL problems start — and potatoes are worth far more than gold. Be a prepper or a speculator. STOCK UP. HIDE. First rule of prep-club, there is no prep-club. Act poor and dumb.But it gets even worse, as Kamala promised to confiscate all private property:
I will snatch their patent, so that we [the government] will take over. Yes, we can do that! …I have the will to do that!We the People must find the will to ensure that this deranged monster never gets into the White House, and that her handlers, as exposed in yesterday’s article… Read more at: 2ndSmartestGuyInTheWorld.com
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