HOPE IN VAIN: “Hope” without promises or commitment, the Obama-style empty rhetoric, now to live on through Kommie Kamala
Obama always used to say, we’re looking at… or we are in talks now about… but nothing good got done, in fact, he jumpstarted communism in America, but hardly an American noticed for several years. The Health Ranger, Mike Adams, was one of the first journalists to call it out, saying Obama was a “
sleeper cell” in the White House. Some question his rhetoric as “Hope or Hopium?” Hope is like a drug in that it can boost confidence and vision, but without action, commitment and persistence, it can vanish like a mirage, and what do you have to show for it? Obama divided the country and helped catapult the opioid and fentanyl crisis, bringing it from the
laboratory to the street almost overnight.
Obama was always speaking about "considering" this and that, and we're taking a close look at ... never really saying he would do anything or lay out a plan for prosperity. Now we Commie Kommie delivering more of the same, and it’s hard to tell if Obama himself isn’t writing her teleprompter scripts, speeches and “hope” talks. The toxic
political torch has been passed, and the fumes are choking the masses. Commie Kommie will continue in Obama-style Marxist tradition, with open borders to import tons of fentanyl, illegal immigrants, criminals and terrorists. The sleeper cell in Washington DC has multiplied by cloning itself. It’s the
Deplorable Obamanites running for a 4
th term.
Hope, hope and more delusional hope – welcome to the ultimate “lame duck” session under Obama-Biden-Kommie
In 2015, Health Ranger Mike Adams wrote, that
President Obama was a “sleeper cell” and he was overseeing the destruction of American traditions, culture, security and liberty. Many Americans simply couldn’t believe it. Millions of people were conned, on both sides, by the “great orator” delivering his version of delusional hope that never comes to fruition, in any way, shape or form.
In fact, it was just the opposite under Obama, as Americans lived through the absolute destruction of hope. Obama is a radical communist Muslim, the ultimate ‘Manchurian candidate,’ who faked being American. It’s treason, but nobody could bring themselves to destroy all that … wait for it … hope.
Then, millions of Americans started figuring it out, thanks to pioneers in the publishing business who spread truth news through independent channels, mediums and platforms that Big Media can’t seem to vanquish fast enough. Still, at least half of the folks who voted for Obama, at least once, thought he meant well, and couldn’t criticize anyhow, because he is … black.
And now the delusional and “contagious power of hope” sets in, again
Kamala, like Obama, is using the word “hope” to
play on the emotions of anyone who liked Obama and feels hopeless now, in this horrid economy and the state of the nation. Kamala loves delivering her little victory party speeches of hope. Always hope, not a definitive platform of what will be accomplished. She doesn’t even have a plan now, except communist price controls, open borders and free amnesty, loaded visas and healthcare for all illegal immigrants.
Kamala “DEVI” Harris (notice her middle name is just missing the last letter “L”), is already in cahoots with George Soros and his son, the heads of the two snakes of Satan, who have funded terrorism and mayhem across the world for decades, using George Soros’ Nazi war chest. Here’s a photo of the new VP-puppet-to-be Tim Nazi Walz, hanging tight with Alexander Soros, son of the insidious George Soros at the Democrat National Convention just days ago.

Who do you think is funding the massive invasion of America by illegals? Who do you think has billions to waste on ruining America by insurgency of criminals and terrorists from around the globe?
George Soros is 92 years old and worth nearly $7 billion. He’s as rich as Trump and wants to destroy America. Alexander Soros, George’s son, is now in control, and is in cahoots with Harris and Walz. That’s the epitome of evil forces in play here on Earth.
Who will fund the new riots in every city of America when Trump wins the election? Who will
fund World War III? The Soro Klan. That’s who. They are Marxists and a Communists who despise America, just like Obama, Commie Kommie and Nazi Walz. Still choosing “hope” for your voting “platform” in November? Tune your patriot radio to
Treason.news for updates on the criminals and commie freaks in the White House trying to finish their installation of communism in OUR republic. #FalseHopeDemocrats
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