The war on terror was declared following the September 11, 2001, destruction of the twin towers of World Trade Center and Building 7. Nine days after, on September 20, 2001, President George W. Bush
declared a worldwide war without borders.
(Article by Frank Wright republished from
“Our war on terror begins with Al Qaida, but it does not end there. It will not end
until every terrorist group of global reach has been found, stopped, and defeated.”
What followed were two decades of perpetual war which have brought the world to the brink of a global conflict in the Middle East with a dangerously low
nuclear threshold.
How did we get to this point? We were told the wars would stop terrorism – not spread it. We were told that regime change would bring peace and stability to the Middle East.
As the
New York Times reported in 2015, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu told Congress, “If you take out Saddam, Saddam’s regime, I guarantee you that it will have enormous positive reverberations on the region.”
Sen. John Kerry, who reminded Americans that Netanyahu had urged Congress to start wars on Libya, Syria, and Iraq,
said at the time:
“We all know what happened then.”
We all know what happened now. We were told lies to start the war in Iraq. What is happening now in the West is a direct result of these wars of terror.
With Europe and the U.S. now seeing millions of
migrants arrive worldwide, the downstream
impact of this doctrine of destruction is hitting home.
Liberal democracy is becoming more illiberal and less democratic, as mass surveillance and censorship replace the free world we took for granted only 25 years ago. Matt Taibbi and Michael Shellenberger have
both addressed
Congress on the terrifying growth of a vast “censorship-industrial complex” to replace freedom of thought with Deep State-coordinated compliance across the Western world.
The United States has lost
control of the Middle East. The world awaits to see whether Iran will
respond to repeated Israeli
provocations – and launch the war that Netanyahu has ached for since – at least – his speech demanding one to Congress in 2002. Some
say the U.S. lost its last real president in John F. Kennedy.
Since his death, the U.S. has been led by “factotum presidents” – who will do anything for Israel and
nothing to stop them setting the region on fire. In March 2024,
Foreign Policy bluntly
stated “Israel is a strategic liability for the United States,” saying
“the special [Israel-U.S.] relationship does not benefit Washington and is endangering U.S. interests across the globe.”
To understand this situation, we must go back more than 60 years, to the single term of the last administration to stand up to the Zionists in Israel – and in the U.S. itself.
‘Battle of the Letters’
In 1961, when the CIA informed John F. Kennedy that the Israelis were pursuing a secret nuclear program at Dimona, the president was furious. With strong evidence that the program was dual-use – having civilian and military capabilities – Kennedy began to pressure the Israelis to submit to U.S. inspections.
He thought that the development of nuclear weapons in secret would destabilize the Middle East in starting an arms race. He was
right. When America failed to stop Israel, Iraq and Iran went on to develop their own WMDs. Iraq’s was halted and dismantled in the mid 1990s – well before the war.
Rumors have recently surfaced that Iran has now developed nuclear weapons.
This nightmare scenario is what Kennedy wanted to prevent.
JFK spent two years trying and failing to bring the Israelis to account over their WMD program.
Kennedy addressed the demands of the U.S. to the first man to lead Israel – David Ben-Gurion. This culminated in a tense exchange of communications between the two leaders, resulting in an ultimatum to Israel.
The “
Battle of the Letters,” as it is known, documents the only serious effort to restrain Israeli ambitions towards regional nuclear supremacy. The archive of these communications was opened in 2019, making public 46 secret documents from the U.S. National Security Archive
detailing the moment that almost left Israel isolated from the U.S.
Israel’s nuclear doctrine is unique for two reasons: it has never
admitted it possesses nuclear weapons. It also has a terrifying policy of using them to spark global thermonuclear war if it is ever threatened with military defeat.
This is
called the Samson Option – which states Israel will launch nuclear missiles from submarines, trucks, and siloes at any and every major city it can hit if it faces what it describes as an existential threat. Described as “a last-resort spasm of pure national vengeance,” it has no meaningful deterrence, as was
argued in a piece published by the West Point Academy Modern War Institute.
Israel faces an existential threat today, in this war with Iran, for which its leader has campaigned, urged on the U.S., and sought to provoke for decades. Israel is threatening us all in this way.
demanded the Israelis open Dimona for inspection. This was done, but with such obvious obstruction and
deception that it left Kennedy exasperated. In 1963 JFK
sent an ultimatum on June 15 to Ben-Gurion threatening complete withdrawal of U.S. support for Israel if the policy of nuclear denial and deception continued.
Ben-Gurion, who
knew the letter was coming,
resigned the next day, citing personal reasons which he never explained. A hero to the Zionists, this was seen by them as an insult to the man who first led their newly-created state.
Kennedy was assassinated six months
later by a lone gunman allegedly acting alone.
He was not the only Kennedy to die in coincidental circumstances.
In 1968 his brother Robert F. Kennedy was shot dead by a lone gunman allegedly acting alone. This too was a devastating blow to the morale of the American people. RFK had
announced he would be running for president of the United States.
RFK Sr. was the last U.S. attorney general to threaten the Zionist lobby in the U.S. Under him, the Department of Justice
began in 1962 a legal process to order the American Zionist Council to register under FARA as a foreign agent – of the State of Israel.
It was successful. Yet in 1967, it was replaced by another major lobbying group –
Together with a powerful donor base, AIPAC and the Zionist lobby have seen “the political establishment of the United States bought and paid for by the Israel lobby.” The U.S. is “under Zionist occupation.”
These are the conclusions, respectively, of retired Colonel Douglas Macgregor and independent Jewish journalist Max Blumenthal, who has lent his voice to a campaign claiming that Zionist occupation extends beyond the U.S. government, and into the minds of Americans themselves.
This 1963 letter from a young Donald Rumsfeld gently warns Kennedy of Rumsfeld’s influential friends, whose concerns were to prevent the move to register the Zionist lobby of the U.S. government as a foreign agent of Israel:

Rumsfeld went on to advance these concerns as U.S. Secretary of Defense under George W. Bush. It
was Rumsfeld who “led the U.S. into war” following 9/11.
A war of terror
The Kennedy assassinations were a spectacular act of terror which traumatized the American people. Since then, no U.S. president has sought to restrain the actions of successive leaders of Israel.
The Israeli parliament has called for the use of nuclear weapons in Gaza in past months, and there are suggestions that low-yield “tactical” nuclear weapons will be used in a ground war in Lebanon.
alone cannot win the wars it wishes to start with Hezbollah and Iran. The U.S. knows Israeli nuclear doctrine threatens nuclear world war if the Zionist state is faced with defeat. This is not diplomacy. It is not a war on terror.
It is a policy of nuclear blackmail to
secure U.S. entry into a war that no one wants but the Israeli leadership.
This “nuclear blackmail” was first
rumored to have secured U.S. support for Israel in the 1973 Arab-Israeli war.
Israel again mobilized its undeclared nuclear arsenal in 1991, threatening to launch missiles at Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. This was
detailed in Seymour Hersh’s book
The Samson Option, whose
review in the
New York Times in 1991 repeats claims of three times Israel mobilized its nuclear arsenal.
“The book, by Seymour M. Hersh, a renowned investigative reporter, says the Israelis have gone to full nuclear alert – meaning that nuclear missiles have been wheeled out of silos and put on launchers – three times, twice during the 1973 war and once this year, while Israel was under missile attack from Iraq,” the review says.
Netanyahu had told the U.S. Congress that removing Saddam, Muammar Gaddafi, and Bashar al-Assad would lead to a new era of peace and stability in the Middle East. He said this in his
speech to Congress on September 12, 2002.
Twenty-two years later we are on the brink of world war as a result. Mysteriously, no U.S. president has intervened to say no to the Israelis for almost six decades.
As JD Vance
said in his May 2024 speech to the Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft:
[I]f George W. Bush had stood before the American people in 2003 and said, hey guys, we’re going to go to war not to eradicate weapons of mass destruction or to spread democracy, we’re going to go to war to create a regional proxy for Iran and to slaughter over a million historical Christians. Not that they will be slaughtered at our hands, but our actions will lead to the genocide of the historical Christian community.
I don’t think Americans would have supported it. …
Vance is the first man of his rank in U.S. politics to state the obvious. One result of regime change at home is that the obvious is now deeply controversial. Why? Stating the facts makes clear that we have been led into disaster by lies.
He went on, saying Americans didn’t care about “whether Iraq was a democracy or not.”
“The main reason that the American people supported the war in Iraq in the beginning was because they thought Saddam had weapons of mass destruction that would be used against our citizens,” he said.
This was a lie. It is not the only one we have been told to mobilize public opinion in favor of a series of wars, demanded by America’s alleged greatest ally, which have killed millions and continue to destroy nations abroad – and ours.
Liberal democracy, which was created in the 1920s to sustain elite government by the manufacture of consent through the media, has transitioned our entire world into a permanent state of emergency.
The alarm bell was first rung 60 years ago, when the leader of the free world was killed. The world he led died with him.
It took four decades to launch the wars that would secure the politics of national suicide as the patriotic duty of all Americans and their allies.
The permanent state of emergency we inhabit has been created by the war on terror. That war has been going on for 23 years. Declared abroad, but undeclared at home, its victims now include everyone, everywhere, whose careers do not depend on the perpetual and ever-escalating war without borders which have replaced our way of life.
This video provides a clear, simple chronology of events which have produced the crisis we inhabit today. Produced by “former Zionist” and “former Jew” Matthew Tower, it is a non-partisan appeal to consider the evidence he has gathered:
For more information on Matthew Tower and his, follow him on X at @TruthTowerPod and on YouTube at @TruthTowerPod.
It is one attempt to correct the record of deception, censorship and lies which have been, as Vance says, “a disaster.”
“One of my favorite passages from the Bible is, by your fruits you shall know them. What are the fruits of the last 40 years of American foreign policy?” he asked.
Vance appeals to the radicalizing influence of reality over the dangerous fantasies of past and present U.S. foreign policy: “Think about the wreckage and think about the actual results.”
No one else has asked this obvious and awful question of the U.S.: “Why don’t we stop genociding historical Christian communities?”
The next Christians to die in number may well be Americans themselves, if the Zionist war expands to Iran and Lebanon.
This is the only way to bring peace, we are told.
We have been told this for decades and look where it has brought us.
It is time to stop listening to the arguments for more death and destruction.
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