ABC News in Pennsylvania ALREADY reporting KAMALA WON election with 100% votes counted, meaning fake news in every swing state has already PREPARED fake results
It’s over. The election in Pennsylvania has already been decided for Kamala, and all votes have been counted, according to mainstream media fake news. According to
ABC news in Pennsylvania, Kamala Harris has already won the state with 100 percent of the vote counted, as reported on television during a Formula 1 race more than a week ahead of the actual election day of November 5th. That's right, this is prior to the election coming up next Tuesday, as the Democrats and their FAKE INDUSTRIAL NEWS COMPLEX have already prepared the FAKE numbers for the “final count,” and anyone who disagrees will be sent directly to the DC gulags with the rest of the election “deniers” from January 6
th, four years ago.
This means that EVERY news outlet in every SWING STATE already has their final numbers for the election, with Kamala “Kommie” Harris winning by a safe margin, with 100 percent of the votes “reporting” before election day has even arrived. Yes, the cheat is on, and if you oppose this administration, the consequences are dire. If you so much as post your denial of the fake tally, or peacefully protest in the streets, you will be identified and
labeled as a criminal, a domestic terrorist, an enemy of the state, a deplorable, garbage and, obviously, a threat to democracy. NO trial or jury for you. Just a Leftist judge and infinite prison time, mostly served in solitary confinement.
The cheat is on. The fix is already in. ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN and most likely even Fox News and Breitbart, just like four years ago. (Remember, they too supported the fake news numbers on election night and the days following, never protesting.) Take a look at the bottom of the screen, where
fake news shows Harris already won the election with 3,293,712 votes, "reporting 100 percent" of the votes already in, having already beat Trump by almost 300,000 votes (just in case they're "off" a little).
According to fake news, the election is already over in Pennsylvania, and Kommie Harris has won by landslide, even though election day hasn't come yet

That’s right, the election is over, and according to the Left, Kamala has won. Millions of people have already voted for Kamala in person, by mail-in ballot and through the voting machines, and 100 percent of the vote has been counted. The rest of the ballots that come in after this will most likely be the exact same amount for both sides, and Harris will maintain whatever fake lead the fake news says she already has now.
There will be no denying fake news, as all the pundits slide their software pages across the screen, showing how Kommie Harris has dominated in all the key counties, in all the swing states, even though nobody voted for her to run for President, and she stole Biden’s delegates, and was given millions of (illegal) dollars in dark money from Bill Gates and Act Blue. Don't even THINK about protesting the election, or you will be arrested for thought crimes.
Anyone who opposes open borders, child trafficking, the mass importation of fentanyl and illegal immigrants stealing everyone’s property will be shoved into FEMA reeducation camps, force-vaccinated with mRNA gene-mutating spike prions and fed Bill Gate’s fake meat stuff, with insect pudding for dessert.
This is Amerika, where
fake news decides what’s real and a handful of globalists fund the mass migration of criminals, drug dealers and lunatics from around the world to replace the middle class forever.
This is Amerika, pawns of the New World Order, where elections are decided by whatever fake news says happened, days before the election even takes place, and those results are posted during sporting events for everyone to digest. Get ready to suffer Harris Derangement Syndrome as she cackles her way to head up the dictatorship for the next 8 years.
This has been a public service announcement from Natural Health News. Beware of fake news, fake people, fake food, fake medicine, fake pandemics, fake storms and fake climate change. Tune your apocalypse dial to for updates on real news about the biggest election steal in American history that’s about to take place, with the help of the FAKE NEWS INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX controlled by the Left.
Sources for this article include: