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Mike Adams Sermon 88: Jewish leaders CENSORED the early Christians for speaking the truth about Jesus
By kevinhughes // 2024-11-08
The 88th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams on the "Health Ranger Report," part of his 100 Sermons series for the Church of Natural Abundance, zoomed in on the censorship against the early Christians for their proclamations about Jesus. Adams based his sermon from an instance in the Acts of the Apostles, where Jewish religious leaders had the Apostles Peter and John arrested. The Jewish leaders forbade the two to speak in the name of Jesus, but were forced to let them go as they found "no way of punishing them" (Acts 4:1-31). The early Christians had been empowered by the Holy Spirit during Pentecost to speak in tongues to preach the Gospel to the Jews and other people, as part of the Great Commission. The Spirit of the Lord also gave them the power to do miracles and heal. But the Jewish religious leaders – including the high priests Annas and Caiaphas who played a role in Jesus' death – were not so receptive to this. They were very angry that Peter and John are teaching Christ's word and converting people to Christianity, something Adams called an upgrade from Judaism.(Related: Declaring Christ as King is "antisemitic," says Jewish Daily Wire host Andrew Klavan – Jews are “God’s chosen people” that are racially superior to mere Christians.) "They threw Peter and John in prison and of course, later on, Paul and many others," said the Bible nutrition educator. "They imprisoned them for daring to teach the Word of Christ to the Jews and daring to save Jews." The Jews didn't want to give up control, so they murdered the Son of God. Annas, Caiaphas and the other Jewish leaders later convened and conspired to censor and criminalize the name of Jesus, leading to their warning to the two apostles against preaching in Christ's name.

Jewish censorship still happens today, with Zionists wanting to put Israel critics behind bars

Adams continued that Jewish censorship still happens today. Whereas it came in the form of the high priests forbidding Christians to preach in the name of Jesus back then, today it is in the form of Zionists wanting to imprison critics of the State of Israel. The Jews' murder of Christ only shows that they are the antichrist and are opposed to Him. Adams warned that God is going to destroy Israel for a just reason – its deicide, or the murder of the Son of God who was sent to Earth to help people and teach goodness. Another example of this modern-day censorship includes skepticism about the narrative of the Holocaust in World War II. This narrative is bizarre, especially with the number of Jews killed during the Holocaust being questionable. But questioning this narrative is a crime for the Jews that merits the heaviest penalties. These Jews angry at Holocaust skeptics are the same Jews that have dominated Hollywood for the longest time. They have put out films and books about the Holocaust for years now, so that its memory will be burned into the minds of humanity. Meanwhile, they criminalize, punish and deplatform anybody who disagrees or presents evidence to the contrary. True enough, King David had foreseen that the Jews would become the antichrist. That is exactly what happened when they banned Jesus' name from being spoken, as mentioned in the Acts. "The Jews are the antichrist; they tried to stop the word of Jesus from being uttered," Adams concluded. "They tried to stop the truth of the miracles of God from being shared or from being known. They practiced censorship even back then just as they do today." Listen to the 88th sermon of the Health Ranger Mike Adams about the Jewish leaders censoring the early Christians from speaking Jesus' name.
This video is from the Abundance Church channel on

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