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Ahead of UFO meeting, former defense official says U.S. government has recovered technology that "did not originate on this earth"
By ethanh // 2023-07-30
Congress is convening this week to talk about unidentified flying objects (UFOs), and former intelligence chief Christopher Mellon has said ahead of it that he believes the United States government has recovered technology that "did not originate on this earth." According to Mellon, the U.S. government "may have in our possession off-world technology recovered from someone else's space program." After serving as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence in both the Clinton and Bush regimes, Mellon now works as a private equity investor. Back in 2020 during the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), Mellon confessed that he was the secret source who provided The New York Times with the three UFO videos that the media outlet reported on back in 2017 after Donald Trump was elected president. In April 2020, the Department of Defense (DoD) released three declassified videos of "unexplained aerial phenomena," including the infamous "tictac" UFO video that the Times published. (Related: Will ETs help run the new human-less, AI-driven system of "medicine" the globalists are trying to unleash?)

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At the House Oversight Committee meeting this week, Mellon says "new information" will be presented before Congress on these UFOs. Air Force and intelligence agency veteran David Grusch will also be in attendance. "I expect Dave will provide some new information that we have not heard before," Mellon told NewsNation's Chris "Fredo" Cuomo. "The objective here, I think, and the opportunity, is for the American people to come to better understand why it is that so many in Congress actually takes seriously the idea that there are UFOs, UAP (unexplained aerial phenomenon) that are violating U.S. airspace and the associated rumor, allegation, that we may have in our possession off-world technology recovered from someone else's space program." Mellon claims that both the DoD and other former intelligence officials have confirmed that the recovered technology is other-worldly, meaning it is not earth-based. Contradicting all this are statements made by Dr. Sean Kirkpatrick from the DoD's All-domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), who told the Senate Armed Services Committee that there is "no credible evidence thus far of extraterrestrial activity" or "off-world technology." Mellon is insistent, though, that there is evidence, and that there are "credible witnesses" who are in "direct conflict between what Dr. Kirkpatrick is saying." "Congress is in the middle and they've got to sort it out," Mellon told Cuomo. Grusch, one of the "dynamite three witnesses" to appear before Congress this week, made a jaw-dropping claim back in June about an illegal UFO crash retrieval program operating within the classified world. What Grusch and the others have to share should supersede whatever Kirkpatrick and the AARO are saying because of a conflict of interest. "This is like asking the Reagan administration to investigate the Iran-Contra affair," Mellon said about how AARO is not a suitable entity for investigating recovered technology. "I think (AARO) can serve a very important purpose in terms of investigating, getting the agencies to share information, collating it, developing collection strategies – but when you're talking about investigating this allegation of recovered materials, that's a different matter. I think Congress has to drive that investigation itself." According to Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), the three dynamite witnesses to appear before Congress this week are "professionals" and from the "military," which in his mind makes them credible. "They're people that were there and saw what they say," Burchett said. The other two dynamite witnesses include Ret. U.S. Navy veteran fighter pilot Commander David Fravor, who witnessed the 2004 Nimitz "tictac" UFO, and Lt. Ryan Graves, whose Naval squadron captured the GIMBAL and GOFAST UFOs on infrared video in 2015. More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: