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Protesters heckle AOC during Democrat press conference on NYC's escalating illegals crisis – leftists don't want more migrants in their back yard
By ethanh // 2023-09-19
Democrat Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) and Jerry Nadler, both of New York, held a press conference in Midtown Manhattan to address the Big Apple's escalating "migrant" crisis. And while AOC was speaking, hecklers could be heard in the background screaming "close the border!". The event took place outside the Roosevelt Hotel "mega shelter," which is currently housing hordes of illegal aliens that were sent there from Texas after illegally crossing the porous southern border. "Send them back!" yelled Jonathan Rinaldi, a Queens City Council candidate, near the event. "Close the border! Close the border! Respect the Constitution, AOC! I am your constituent!" The 44-year-old was eventually grabbed by a security guard and shoved behind a barricade due to his messaging towards AOC. Other protesters at the event were brandishing signs that said things like, "Americans First: Vetted & Legal Migrants Only." Just prior to the press conference, AOC and other members of the racist Congressional Hispanic Caucus toured an emergency shelter that is overflowing with illegal migrants. "What we seek to do is to make sure that all the resources are necessary and that we are joining with the city and state," AOC told the crowd as a man with a megaphone started shouting over her. "Illegal immigration is not right!" he screamed. "Respect the Constitution! Close the border!" As all this melee was occurring, AOC did her best to ignore her constituents and continue on with reading her script. "I think that there are three points of consensus here that are very important in getting a solution to that issue," AOC said. "The first is that there is consensus here across geographies and state on increased federal resources to cities and municipalities dealing with this issue." "The second is to allow for work authorizations so that folks in here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible. They are prevented from getting jobs. They are prevented from employment and that is part of the strain on our public systems. The faster that folks can access the work that they're asking for, legally, the better we can solve." (Related: Late last year, the establishment renamed illegal aliens as "climate migrants" to trick Americans into accepting them on "humanitarian" grounds.)

NYC Mayor Adams wants Biden to stop illegal migrants from "destroying" the Big Apple

The illegal alien situation in New York City is now so bad that even far-leftist Mayor Eric Adams, a proud vegetarian, is calling on fake president Joe Biden to stop the influx of illegal migrants into the area, stating that they will "destroy" the Big Apple. There is already a "black market" in NYC to illegally employ all these newly arriving migrants due to the Biden regime's delays in awarding permits to New York City to get rid of all these unwanted migrants. "My wife's children, Diego and Lina, have been waiting seven long years in Medellin, Colombia, to come to this country legally," stated one of the protesters, 59-year-old David Rem, who is angry that all these illegal migrants have "jumped" the immigration line. "They have paid all the immigration fees and have been fingerprinted by the FBI. They have done everything right – they have been waiting and they haven't broken federal law by crossing the border illegally, so why not them?" "You know what's going to happen. They're going to say to my kids in a year from now, 'Diego and Lina: sorry, but there's no room for you, the country's full.' It's a slap in the face to legal migration." The latest news about the illegal alien problem in the U.S. can be found at Sources for this article include: