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Family of woman killed by ILLEGAL ALIEN to sue Biden admin for $100M
By avagrace // 2024-01-25
The family of 20-year-old Kayla Hamilton, a woman killed by an illegal alien, has announced plans to sue the Biden administration for $100 million over her wrongful death. According to attorney Brian Claypool, counsel for Hamilton's mother Tammy Nobles, the suit would name the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Health and Human Services as defendants. It alleged that the Biden administration, through its lax immigration policy, released an illegal alien affiliated with the Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13) gang from El Salvador who eventually murdered Hamilton. The suspect entered the U.S. as an unaccompanied child in March 2022. He was 16 at the time of his illegal entry, telling authorities that he had paid a guide to smuggle him across. The said suspect claimed he wanted to escape gang violence in his home country of El Salvador, but authorities later confirmed his links to MS-13 after discovering a gang tattoo on his body. The illegal alien raped Hamilton and subsequently strangled her with a phone cord in July 2022 – four months after unlawfully entering the country. In January of the following year, authorities arrested the suspect, now 17 years old at the time of apprehension. "We bring this landmark lawsuit in honor of Kayla to get answers on how this catastrophic failure occurred and help prevent another senseless murder," said Claypool. He also lamented the DHS's lax verification, which permitted the illegal alien to enter the country unlawfully in the first place. "The killer had been arrested in El Salvador in 2020 for being associated with an illicit gang. All DHS had to do was make one phone call to verify this, and Kayla would be alive." (Related: Smuggling ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS into the U.S. is now a $13B a year business.)

Illegals threaten national security

Nobles also testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security as part of its impeachment proceedings against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Meanwhile, the DHS said in a statement that its employees take their jobs "very seriously" and offered condolences to Hamilton's family. "We do not comment on pending litigation," the department said of Nobles' complaint. Hamilton was remembered in August 2023 during her funeral service, Breitbart reported. Her family described her as a "kind, loving, trusting and forgiving person" in an obituary. The same passage also noted that Hamilton loved her family and her pet cat Oreo. The Aberdeen Police Department managed to recover evidence at the scene of Hamilton's murder and detected DNA samples. These were then compared to the suspect's DNA, which found a match. Law enforcement issued an arrest warrant for the suspect for first-degree murder on Jan. 14. The suspect was apprehended in Edgewood, Maryland on the following day and booked at the Harford County Detention Center. Unfortunately, this is not a rare case as there are countless reports from the Immigration and Customs Enforcement concerning illegals harming American citizens. One case involves a Romanian illegal immigrant who killed a person while having an extensive criminal record in Europe and America. Visit for more stories about illegals committing crime. Watch Jesse Watters of Fox News discuss how illegals are being given special treatment by the Transportation Security Administration below. This video is from the Son of the Republic channel on

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